Source code for vermouth.processors.apply_rubber_band

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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Provides a processor that adds a rubber band elastic network.
import itertools

import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
import copy

from .processor import Processor
from .. import selectors
from ..graph_utils import make_residue_graph
from ..log_helpers import StyleAdapter, get_logger

LOGGER = StyleAdapter(get_logger(__name__))

# the bond type of the RB
# the minimum distance between the resids
# of two beads to have an RB

[docs]def self_distance_matrix(coordinates): """ Compute a distance matrix between points in a selection. Notes ----- This function does **not** account for periodic boundary conditions. Parameters ---------- coordinates: numpy.ndarray Coordinates of the points in the selection. Each row must correspond to a point and each column to a dimension. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray """ return np.sqrt( np.sum( (coordinates[:, np.newaxis, :] - coordinates[np.newaxis, :, :]) ** 2, axis=-1) )
[docs]def compute_decay(distance, shift, rate, power): r""" Compute the decay function of the force constant as function to the distance. The decay function for the force constant is defined as: .. math:: \exp^{-r(d - s)^p} where :math:`r` is the decay rate given by the 'rate' argument, :math:`p` is the decay power given by 'power', :math:`s` is a shift given by 'shift', and :math:`d` is the distance between the two atoms given in 'distance'. If the rate or the power are set to 0, then the decay function does not modify the force constant. The 'distance' argument can be a scalar or a numpy array. If it is an array, then the returned value is an array of decay factors with the same shape as the input. """ return np.exp(-rate * ((distance - shift) ** power))
[docs]def compute_force_constants(distance_matrix, lower_bound, upper_bound, decay_factor, decay_power, base_constant, minimum_force): """ Compute the force constant of an elastic network bond. The force constant can be modified with a decay function, and it can be bounded with a minimum threshold, or a distance upper and lower bonds. """ constants = compute_decay(distance_matrix, lower_bound, decay_factor, decay_power) np.fill_diagonal(constants, 0) constants *= base_constant constants[constants < minimum_force] = 0 constants[distance_matrix > upper_bound] = 0 return constants
[docs]def are_connected(graph, left, right, separation): """ ``True`` if the nodes are at most 'separation' nodes away. Parameters ---------- graph: networkx.Graph The graph/molecule to work on. left: One node key from the graph. right: One node key from the graph. separation: int The maximum number of nodes in the shortest path between two nodes of interest for these two nodes to be considered connected. Must be >= 0. Returns ------- bool """ nodes_are_connected = False try: shortest_path = len(nx.shortest_path(graph, left, right)) except nx.NetworkXNoPath: # There is no path between left and right so they are not # connected; which is the default. pass else: # The source and the target are counted in the shortest path nodes_are_connected = shortest_path <= separation + 2 return nodes_are_connected
[docs]def build_connectivity_matrix(graph, separation, node_to_idx, selected_nodes): """ Build a connectivity matrix based on the separation between nodes in a graph. The connectivity matrix is a symmetric boolean matrix where cells contain ``True`` if the corresponding atoms are connected in the graph and separated by less or as much nodes as the given 'separation' argument. In the following examples, the separation between A and B is 0, 1, and 2. respectively: ``` A - B A - X - B A - X - X - B ``` Note that building the connectivity matrix with a separation of 0 is the same as building the adjacency matrix. Parameters ---------- graph: networkx.Graph The graph/molecule to work on. separation: int The maximum number of nodes in the shortest path between two nodes of interest for these two nodes to be considered connected. Must be >= 0. selected_nodes: A list of nodes to work on. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray A boolean matrix. """ res_graph = make_residue_graph(graph) distance_pairs = nx.all_pairs_shortest_path_length(res_graph, cutoff=separation) # only gets "positive" entries due to the cutoff argument above size = graph.number_of_nodes() # the matrix will be reduced before returning it but nx.all_pairs_shortest_path_length # does not take a subset of nodes # TODO optimize me, try to create a sparse matrix in case scipy is available. connectivity = np.zeros((size, size), dtype=bool) for origin_residue, matchs_distances in distance_pairs: for target_residue in matchs_distances: origin_nodes = res_graph.nodes[origin_residue]['graph'].nodes() target_nodes = res_graph.nodes[target_residue]['graph'].nodes() for origin, target in itertools.product(origin_nodes, target_nodes): connectivity[node_to_idx[origin], node_to_idx[target]] = True np.fill_diagonal(connectivity, False) return connectivity[:, selected_nodes][selected_nodes]
[docs]def build_pair_matrix(graph, criterion, idx_to_node, selected_nodes): """ Build a boolean matrix telling if a pair of nodes fulfil a criterion. Parameters ---------- graph: networkx.Graph The graph/molecule to work on. criterion: A function that determines if a pair of nodes fulfill the criterion. It takes a graph and two node keys as arguments and returns a boolean. selected_nodes: A list of nodes to work on. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray A boolean matrix. """ size = len(graph.nodes) #TODO generate spare matrix with scipy share_domain = np.zeros((size, size), dtype=bool) node_combinations = itertools.combinations(selected_nodes, 2) for kdx, jdx in node_combinations: key_kdx = idx_to_node[kdx] key_jdx = idx_to_node[jdx] share_domain[kdx, jdx] = criterion(graph, key_kdx, key_jdx) share_domain[jdx, kdx] = share_domain[kdx, jdx] return share_domain[:, selected_nodes][selected_nodes]
[docs]def apply_rubber_band(molecule, selector, lower_bound, upper_bound, decay_factor, decay_power, base_constant, minimum_force, bond_type, domain_criterion, res_min_dist): r""" Adds a rubber band elastic network to a molecule. The elastic network is applied as bounds between the atoms selected by the function declared with the 'selector' argument. The equilibrium length for the bonds is measured from the coordinates in the molecule, the force constant is computed from the base force constant and an optional decay function. The decay function for the force constant is defined as: .. math:: \exp^{-r(d - s)^p} where :math:`r` is the decay rate given by the 'decay_factor' argument, :math:`p` is the decay power given by 'decay_power', :math:`s` is a shift given by 'lower_bound', and :math:`d` is the distance between the two atoms in the molecule. If the rate or the power are set to 0, then the decay function does not modify the force constant. The 'selector' argument takes a callback that accepts a atom dictionary and returns ``True`` if the atom match the conditions to be kept. Only nodes that are in the same domain can be connected by the elastic network. The 'domain_criterion' argument accepts a callback that determines if two nodes are in the same domain. That callback accepts a graph and two node keys as argument and returns whether or not the nodes are in the same domain as a boolean. Parameters ---------- molecule: vermouth.molecule.Molecule The molecule to which apply the elastic network. The molecule is modified in-place. selector: Selection function. lower_bound: float The minimum length for a bond to be added, expressed in nanometers. upper_bound: float The maximum length for a bond to be added, expressed in nanometers. decay_factor: float Parameter for the decay function. decay_power: float Parameter for the decay function. base_constant: float The base force constant for the bonds in :math:`kJ.mol^{-1}.nm^{-2}`. If 'decay_factor' or 'decay_power' is set to 0, then it will be the used force constant. minimum_force: float Minimum force constant in :math:`kJ.mol^{-1}.nm^{-2}` under which bonds are not kept. bond_type: int Gromacs bond function type to apply to the elastic network bonds. domain_criterion: Function to establish if two atoms are part of the same domain. Elastic bonds are only added within a domain. By default, all the atoms in the molecule are considered part of the same domain. The function expects a graph (e.g. a :class:`~vermouth.molecule.Molecule`) and two atom node keys as argument and returns ``True`` if the two atoms are part of the same domain; returns ``False`` otherwise. res_min_dist: int Minimum separation between two atoms for a bond to be kept. Bonds are kept is the separation is greater or equal to the value given. """ selection = [] coordinates = [] missing = [] node_to_idx = {} idx_to_node = {} for node_idx, (node_key, attributes) in enumerate(molecule.nodes.items()): node_to_idx[node_key] = node_idx idx_to_node[node_idx] = node_key if selector(attributes): selection.append(node_idx) coordinates.append(attributes.get('position')) if coordinates[-1] is None: missing.append(node_key) node_idx += 1 if missing: raise ValueError('All atoms from the selection must have coordinates. ' 'The following atoms do not have some: {}.' .format(' '.join(missing))) if not coordinates: return coordinates = np.stack(coordinates) if np.any(np.isnan(coordinates)): LOGGER.warning("Found nan coordinates in molecule {}. " "Will not generate an EN for it. ", molecule.moltype, type='unmapped-atom') return distance_matrix = self_distance_matrix(coordinates) constants = compute_force_constants(distance_matrix, lower_bound, upper_bound, decay_factor, decay_power, base_constant, minimum_force) connected = build_connectivity_matrix(molecule, res_min_dist, node_to_idx, selected_nodes=selection) same_domain = build_pair_matrix(molecule, domain_criterion, idx_to_node, selected_nodes=selection) can_be_linked = (~connected) & same_domain # Multiply the force constant by 0 if the nodes cannot be linked. constants *= can_be_linked distance_matrix = distance_matrix.round(5) # For compatibility with legacy for from_idx, to_idx in zip(*np.triu_indices_from(constants)): # note the indices in the matrix are not anymore the idx of # the full molecule but the subset of nodes in selection from_key = idx_to_node[selection[from_idx]] to_key = idx_to_node[selection[to_idx]] force_constant = constants[from_idx, to_idx] length = distance_matrix[from_idx, to_idx] if force_constant > minimum_force: molecule.add_interaction( type_='bonds', atoms=(from_key, to_key), parameters=[bond_type, length, force_constant], meta={'group': 'Rubber band'}, )
[docs]def always_true(*args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ Returns ``True`` whatever the arguments are. """ return True
[docs]def same_chain(graph, left, right): """ Returns ``True`` is the nodes are part of the same chain. Nodes are considered part of the same chain if they both have the same value under the "chain" attribute, or if neither of the 2 nodes have that attribute. Parameters ---------- graph: networkx.Graph A graph the nodes are part of. left: A node key in 'graph'. right: A node key in 'graph'. Returns ------- bool ``True`` if the nodes are part of the same chain. """ node_left = graph.nodes[left] node_right = graph.nodes[right] return node_left.get('chain') == node_right.get('chain')
[docs]def make_same_region_criterion(regions): """ Returns ``True`` is the nodes are part of the same region. Nodes are considered part of the same region if their value under the "resid" attribute are within the same residue range. By default the resids of the input file are used (i.e. "_old_resid" attribute). Parameters ---------- graph: networkx.Graph A graph the nodes are part of. left: A node key in 'graph'. right: A node key in 'graph'. regions: [(resid_start_1,resid_end_1),(resid_start_2,resid_end_2),...] resid_start and resid_end are included) Returns ------- bool ``True`` if the nodes are part of the same region. """ regions = copy.deepcopy(regions) def same_region(graph, left, right): node_left = graph.nodes[left] node_right = graph.nodes[right] left_resid = node_left.get('_old_resid', node_left['resid']) right_resid = node_right.get('_old_resid', node_right['resid']) for region in regions: lower = min(region) upper = max(region) if lower <= left_resid <= upper and lower <= right_resid <= upper: return True return False return same_region
[docs]class ApplyRubberBand(Processor): """ Add an elastic network to a system between particles fulfilling the following criteria: - They must be close enough together in space - They must be separated far enough in graph space - They must be either in the same chain/molecule/system - They must be selected by :attr:`selector` - The resulting elastic bond must be stiff enough Attributes ---------- selector: Selection function. lower_bound: float The minimum length for a bond to be added, expressed in nanometers. upper_bound: float The maximum length for a bond to be added, expressed in nanometers. decay_factor: float Parameter for the decay function. decay_power: float Parameter for the decay function. base_constant: float The base force constant for the bonds in :math:`kJ.mol^{-1}.nm^{-2}`. If 'decay_factor' or 'decay_power' is set to 0, then it will be the used force constant. minimum_force: float Minimum force constant in :math:`kJ.mol^{-1}.nm^{-2}` under which bonds are not kept. bond_type: int or None Gromacs bond function type to apply to the elastic network bonds. bond_type_variable: str If bond_type is not given, it will be taken from the force field, using this variable name. domain_criterion: Function to establish if two atoms are part of the same domain. Elastic bonds are only added within a domain. By default, all the atoms in the molecule are considered part of the same domain. The function expects a graph (e.g. a :class:`~vermouth.molecule.Molecule`) and two atom node keys as argument and returns ``True`` if the two atoms are part of the same domain; returns ``False`` otherwise. res_min_dist: int or None Minimum separation between two atoms for a bond to be kept. Bonds are kept is the separation is greater or equal to the value given. res_min_dist_variable: str If res_min_dist is not given it will be taken from the force field using this variable name. See Also -------- :func:`apply_rubber_band` """ def __init__(self, lower_bound, upper_bound, decay_factor, decay_power, base_constant, minimum_force, res_min_dist=None, bond_type=None, selector=selectors.select_backbone, bond_type_variable='elastic_network_bond_type', res_min_dist_variable='elastic_network_res_min_dist', domain_criterion=always_true): super().__init__() self.lower_bound = lower_bound self.upper_bound = upper_bound self.decay_factor = decay_factor self.decay_power = decay_power self.base_constant = base_constant self.minimum_force = minimum_force self.bond_type = bond_type self.selector = selector self.bond_type_variable = bond_type_variable self.domain_criterion = domain_criterion self.res_min_dist = res_min_dist self.res_min_dist_variable = res_min_dist_variable
[docs] def run_molecule(self, molecule): # Choose the bond type. From high to low, the priority order is: # * what is set as an argument to the processor # * what is written in the force field variables # under the key `self.bond_type_variable` # * the default value set in DEFAULT_BOND_TYPE bond_type = self.bond_type if self.bond_type is None: bond_type = molecule.force_field.variables.get(self.bond_type_variable, DEFAULT_BOND_TYPE) # Same procedure for res_min_dist the minimum distance between # the resids of two beads for them to have a RB res_min_dist = self.res_min_dist if self.res_min_dist is None: res_min_dist = molecule.force_field.variables.get(self.res_min_dist_variable, DEFAULT_RMD) apply_rubber_band(molecule, self.selector, lower_bound=self.lower_bound, upper_bound=self.upper_bound, decay_factor=self.decay_factor, decay_power=self.decay_power, base_constant=self.base_constant, minimum_force=self.minimum_force, bond_type=bond_type, domain_criterion=self.domain_criterion, res_min_dist=res_min_dist) return molecule