Source code for vermouth.parser_utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2018 University of Groningen
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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Helper functions for parsers
from collections import deque

# This file contains helper methods and infrastructure for parsers. The class
# SectionLineParser in particular is a powerful tool that is intended to make
# parsing section based files easier. There's a fair chance it turned out to be
# a multi-tentacled Lovecraftion horror that's in charge of slightly magical
# switchboard. If it ever breaks I'm very sorry for you. Pray to your deity of
# choice and prepare your sacrificial chicken.

[docs]class SectionParser(type): """ Metaclass (!) that populates the `METH_DICT` attribute of new classes. The contents of `METH_DICT` are set by reading the `_section_names` attribute of all its attributes. You can conveniently set `_section_names` attributes using the :meth:`section_parser` decorator. """ def __new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs, **kwargs): obj = super().__new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs, **kwargs) #if not hasattr(obj, 'METH_DICT'): obj.METH_DICT = {} mapping = obj.METH_DICT for attribute_name in dir(obj): attribute = getattr(obj, attribute_name) try: section_names = attribute._section_names except AttributeError: pass else: for names, kwargs in section_names.items(): mapping[names] = (attribute, kwargs) return obj
[docs] @staticmethod def section_parser(*names, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- names: tuple[] The section names that should be associated with the decorated function. kwargs: dict[str] The keyword arguments with which the decorated function should be called. """ def wrapper(method): if not hasattr(method, '_section_names'): method._section_names = {} method._section_names[names] = kwargs return method return wrapper
[docs]class LineParser: """ Class that describes a parser object that parses a file line by line. Subclasses will probably want to override the methods :meth:`dispatch`, :meth:`parse_line`, and/or :meth:`finalize`: - :meth:`dispatch` is called for every line and should return the function that should be used to parse that line. - :meth:`parse_line` is called by the default implementation of :meth:`dispatch` for every line. - :meth:`finalize` is called at the end of the file. """ COMMENT_CHAR = '#'
[docs] def parse(self, file_handle): """ Reads lines from `file_handle`, and calls :meth:`dispatch` to find which method to call to do the actual parsing. Yields the result of that call, if it's not `None`. At the end, calls :meth:`finalize`, and yields its results, iff it's not None. Parameters ---------- file_handle:[str] The data to parse. Should produce lines of data. Yields ------ object The results of dispatching to parsing methods, and of :meth:`finalize`. """ lineno = 0 for lineno, line in enumerate(file_handle, 1): line, _ = split_comments(line, self.COMMENT_CHAR) if not line: continue result = self.dispatch(line)(line, lineno) if result is not None: yield result result = self.finalize(lineno) if result is not None: yield result
[docs] def finalize(self, lineno=0): """ Wraps up. Is called at the end of the file. """ return
[docs] def dispatch(self, line): """ Finds the correct method to parse `line`. Always returns :meth:`parse_line`. """ return self.parse_line
[docs] def parse_line(self, line, lineno): """ Does nothing and should be overridden by subclasses. """ return
[docs]class SectionLineParser(LineParser, metaclass=SectionParser): """ Baseclass for all parsers that have to parse file formats that are based on sections. Parses the `macros` section. Subclasses will probably want to override :meth:`finalize` and/or :meth:`finalize_section`. :meth:`finalize_section` is called with the previous section whenever a section ends. Attributes ---------- section: list[str] The current section. macros: dict[str, str] A set of subsitution rules as parsed from a `macros` section. """ METH_DICT = {} """ A dict of all known parser methods, mapping section names to the function to be called and the associated keyword arguments. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.macros = {} self.section = [] super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def dispatch(self, line): """ Looks at `line` to see what kind of line it is, and returns either :meth:`parse_header` if `line` is a section header or :meth:`parse_section` otherwise. Calls :meth:`is_section_header` to see whether `line` is a section header or not. Parameters ---------- line: str Returns ------- The method that should be used to parse `line`. """ if self.is_section_header(line): return self.parse_header else: return self.parse_section
[docs] def finalize(self, lineno=0): """ Called after the last line has been parsed to wrap up. Resets the instance and calls :meth:`finalize_section`. Arguments --------- lineno: int The line number. """ prev_section = self.section self.section = [] result = self.finalize_section(prev_section, prev_section) self.macros = {} self.section = None return result
[docs] def finalize_section(self, previous_section, ended_section): """ Called once a section is finished. Currently does nothing. Arguments --------- previous_section: list[str] The last parsed section. ended_section: list[str] The sections that have been ended. """ return
[docs] def parse_section(self, line, lineno): """ Parse `line` with line number `lineno` by looking up the section in :attr:`METH_DICT` and calling that method. Parameters ---------- line: str lineno: int Returns ------- object The result returned by calling the registered method. """ line = _substitute_macros(line, self.macros) if tuple(self.section) not in self.METH_DICT: raise IOError("Can't parse line {} in section '{}' because the " "section is unknown".format(lineno, self.section)) try: method, kwargs = self.METH_DICT[tuple(self.section)] return method(self, line, lineno, **kwargs) except Exception as error: raise IOError("Problems parsing line {}. I think it should be a " "'{}' line, but I can't parse it as such." "".format(lineno, self.section)) from error
[docs] def parse_header(self, line, lineno=0): """ Parses a section header with line number `lineno`. Sets :attr:`section` when applicable. Does not check whether `line` is a valid section header. Parameters ---------- line: str lineno: str Returns ------- object The result of calling :meth:`finalize_section`, which is called if a section ends. Raises ------ KeyError If the section header is unknown. """ prev_section = self.section section = self.section + [line.strip('[ ]').casefold()] ended = [] while tuple(section) not in self.METH_DICT and len(section) > 1: ended.append(section.pop(-2)) # [a, b, c, d] -> [a, b, d] self.section = section if prev_section: result = self.finalize_section(prev_section, ended) return result
[docs] @staticmethod def is_section_header(line): """ Parameters ---------- line: str A line of text. Returns ------- bool ``True`` iff `line` is a section header. Raises ------ IOError The line starts like a section header but looks misformatted. """ if line.startswith('['): if line.endswith(']'): return True else: raise IOError('Section header looks misformatted.') return False
@SectionParser.section_parser('macros') def _macros(self, line, lineno=0): """ Parses a "macros" section. Adds to :attr:`macros`. Parameters ---------- line: str """ line = deque(_tokenize(line)) _parse_macro(line, self.macros)
[docs]def split_comments(line, comment_char=';'): """ Splits `line` at the first occurence of `comment_char`. Parameters ---------- line: str comment_char: str Returns ------- tuple[str, str] `line` before and after `comment_char`, respectively. If `line` does not contain `comment_char`, the second element will be an empty string. """ split = line.split(comment_char, 1) data = split[0].strip() if len(split) == 1: return data, '' else: return data, split[1].strip()
def _tokenize(line): """ Split an interaction line into its elementary components. An interaction line is any uncommented and non empty line that follows a section header about an interaction type. Such a line is composed of the following parts: * a list of atoms involved in the interaction, * an optional delimiter that indicates the end of the atom list, * a list of parameters for the interaction. The list of atoms is *a minima* a list of atom references. In blocks, these references can be atom 1-based indices referring to the order of the atoms in the "[ atoms ]" section. It is however more readable, and more robust, to refer to atoms by their name. Only the reference by name is allowed in links, as links may not have a full "[ atoms ]" section. In links, each atom reference can be complemented by atom attributes to specify the scope of the link. These attribute follow the atom reference and are formatted like a python dictionary. The end-of-atoms delimiter is useful for interaction types that are not explicitly encoded in the parser. It allows to indicate when the list of atoms ends, and where the list of parameters starts. Two dashes ("--") are used as the delimiter. The delimiter is optional for the interaction types that are explicitly encoded in the parser and that refer to a fixed number of atoms. The list of parameters will be copied as-is in an ITP file. In its simplest form, an interaction line is what is used in an ITP file. Here is an example for a bond: 2 3 1 0.2 1000 The two first numbers refer to the second and third atoms of the block, respectively. The next three values are the parameters for a bond (*i.e.* the function type, the equilibrium distance, and the force constant). The two first numbers could be replaced by the corresponding atom names: PO4 GL1 1 0.2 1000 where "PO4" and "GL1" are the names of the second and third atoms of the block. Optionally, the "--" delimiter can be used after the list of atoms: PO4 GL1 -- 1 0.2 1000 If the line is part of a link, then the atom selection may be limited in scope. Atom attributes is how to implement such scope limitation: BB {'resname': 'ALA', 'secstruc': 'H'} BB {'resname': 'LYS', 'secstruc': 'H', 'order': +1} 1 0.2 1000 Here, we add a bond to the current link. At one end of the bond is the atom named "BB" and annotated as part of an alpha helix ('secstruc': 'H') of a residue called "ALA". On the other end of the link is an other atom named "BB" that is part of an alpha helix, but that is part of the next residue ('order': +1) if this next residue is named "LYS". The order parameter has a shortcut in the form of a + or - prefix to the atom reference name. Then, "+ATOM" refers to "ATOM" in the next residue, and is equivalent to "ATOM {'order': +1}"; "-ATOM" refers to the previous residue. There can be multiple + or -, "++ATOM" is equivalent to "ATOM {'order': +2}". When using attributes, the optional delimiter can increase the readability: BB {'resname': 'ALA', 'secstruc': 'H'} +BB {'resname': 'LYS', 'secstruc': 'H'} -- 1 0.2 1000 Tokens on an interaction line are its different elements. These elements are considered as one token each: am atom reference, a set of atom attributes, the optional delimiter, each space-separated element of the parameter list. The line above splits into the following tokens: * ``BB`` * ``{'resname': 'ALA', 'secstruc': 'H'}`` * ``+BB`` * ``{'resname': 'LYS', 'secstruc': 'H'}`` * ``--`` * ``1`` * ``0.2`` * ``1000`` Atom attributes can be written next to the previous or the next token without an explicit separator. The two following lines yield the same three tokens: ATOM1{attributes}ATOM2 ATOM1 {attributes} ATOM2 Parameters ---------- line: str Returns ------- list of str """ separators = ' \t\n' tokens = [] start = 0 end = -1 # Find the first non-separator character for start, char in enumerate(line): if char not in separators: break # Find the tokens. This has to be a while-loop because we cannot predict # what will be the next value of start. while start < len(line): end = start # We count the brackets because if a token starts with an opening # bracket, we want to end it with the *matching* closing bracket. # Note also that we do not yet implement a way to escape a bracket, nor # do we check if the bracket is not part of a string. brackets = 0 for end, end_char in enumerate(line[start:], start=start): if end_char == '{': # We reached an opening bracket. If it is the first character # of the token or if we are already engaged in a bracketized # token, then we go on. But if the current token was not # a bracketized token, it means we are at the beginning of # a new token, so we treat the opening bracket as a separator. if not brackets and end != start: end -= 1 break brackets += 1 elif end_char == '}': brackets -= 1 if not brackets: break elif end_char in separators: if not brackets: # We reached a separator. We do not want the separator to # be included in the token, so we push the end by one # character to the left. end -= 1 break if brackets > 0: msg = 'Unexpected end of line. A closing bracket is missing.' raise IOError(msg) elif brackets < 0: msg = 'An opening bracket is missing.' raise IOError(msg) token = line[start:end + 1] if token: tokens.append(token) # Find the beginning of the next token. start = end + 1 while start < len(line) and line[start] in separators: start += 1 return tokens def _substitute_macros(line, macros): r""" Substitute macros by their content. A macro starts with a '$' and ends with one amongst ' ${}\n\t"'. Parameters ---------- line: str The line to fix. macros: dict[str, str] Keys are macro names, values are the replacement content. Returns ------- str """ start = None while True: # stops when start < 0 start = line.find('$', start) if start < 0: break for end, char in enumerate(line[start + 1:], start=start + 1): if char in ' \t\n{}$"': break else: # no break end += 1 macro_name = line[start + 1:end] macro_value = macros[macro_name] line = line[:start] + macro_value + line[end:] end = start + len(macro_value) return line def _parse_macro(tokens, macros): if len(tokens) > 2: raise IOError('Unexpected column in macro definition.') elif len(tokens) < 2: raise IOError('Missing column in macro definition.') macro_name = tokens.popleft() macro_value = tokens.popleft() macros[macro_name] = macro_value