Source code for vermouth.map_input

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2018 University of Groningen
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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Read force field to force field mappings.

import collections
import itertools
from pathlib import Path

from .log_helpers import StyleAdapter, get_logger
from .map_parser import MappingDirector, Mapping

LOGGER = StyleAdapter(get_logger(__name__))

# TODO: This file contains a parser for backmapping files. This parser needs to
#       be redone using a SectionLineParser like the MappingDirector in

[docs]def read_backmapping_file(lines, force_fields): """ Partial reader for modified Backward mapping files. Read mappings from a Backward mapping file. Not all fields are supported, only the "molecule" and the "atoms" fields are read. If not explicitly specified, the origin force field for a molecule is assumed to be "universal", and the destination force field is assumed to be "martini22". The mapping collection is a 3 level dictionary where the first key is the name of the initial force field, the second key is the name of the destination force field, and the third key is the name of the molecule. Parameters ---------- lines:[str] Collection of lines to read. force_fields: dict[str, vermouth.forcefield.ForceField] Dict of known force fields. Return ------ dict """ lines = iter(lines) mappings = collections.defaultdict(lambda: collections.defaultdict(dict)) # Throw away everything before [ molecule ] # If `lines` is empty, then `line_number` is never set by the loop and # pylint really does not like it. It should not matter that `line_number` # is not set, because it means an exception will be raised anyway. It does # not hust to define the variable before the loop, though. line_number = None for line_number, line in enumerate(lines, start=1): cleaned = line.split(';', 1)[0].strip() if (cleaned.startswith('[') and cleaned.endswith(']') and cleaned[1:-1].strip() == 'molecule'): break else: # no break msg = ('No mapping defined. ' 'A mapping must start with a [ molecule ] section.') raise IOError(msg) # At this point the last line read was [ molecule ] or else we would have # raised an exception. # We're going to build a dictionary of {ff_name: {block_name: {atomname: idx}} # to make building the mapping objects a little faster. name_to_index = collections.defaultdict(dict) while True: full_mapping = _read_mapping_partial(lines, line_number + 1) name, from_ff_list, to_ff_list, mapping, weights, extra, line_number = full_mapping if name is None: break for from_ff, to_ff in itertools.product(from_ff_list, to_ff_list): try: from_block = force_fields[from_ff].blocks[name] except KeyError: LOGGER.log(5, "Can't find block {} for FF {}", name, from_ff, type='inconsistent-data') continue try: to_block = force_fields[to_ff].blocks[name] except KeyError: LOGGER.log(5, "Can't find block {} for FF {}", name, to_ff, type='inconsistent-data') continue if name not in name_to_index[from_ff]: name_to_index[from_ff][name] = _block_names_to_idxs(from_block) if name not in name_to_index[to_ff]: name_to_index[to_ff][name] = _block_names_to_idxs(to_block) map_obj = make_mapping_object(from_block, to_block, mapping, weights, extra, name_to_index) if map_obj is not None: mappings[from_ff][to_ff][name] = map_obj # We do not want to return defaultdicts. mappings = _default_to_dict(mappings) return mappings
def _block_names_to_idxs(block): """ Helper function that returns a dict mapping atomnames to node indices for every node in block. """ return {block.nodes[idx]['atomname']: idx for idx in block.nodes}
[docs]def make_mapping_object(from_block, to_block, mapping, weights, extra, name_to_index): """ Convenience method for creating modern :class:`vermouth.map_parser.Mapping` objects from old style mapping information. Parameters ---------- from_blocks:[vermouth.molecule.Block] to_blocks:[vermouth.molecule.Block] mapping: dict[tuple[int, str], list[tuple[int, str]]] Old style mapping describing what (resid, atomname) maps to what (resid, atomname) weights: dict[tuple[int, str], dict[tuple[int, str], float]] Old style weights, mapping (resid, atomname), (resid, atomname) to a weight. extra: tuple name_to_index: dict[str, dict[str, dict[str,]]] Dict force field names, block names, atomnames to node indices. Returns ------- vermouth.map_parser.Mapping The created mapping. """ map_dict = collections.defaultdict(lambda: collections.defaultdict(dict)) from_name_to_idx = name_to_index[][] to_name_to_idx = name_to_index[][] for (ridx_from, atname_from), atoms_to in mapping.items(): for (ridx_to, atname_to) in atoms_to: weight = weights[(ridx_to, atname_to)][(ridx_from, atname_from)] try: idx_from = from_name_to_idx[atname_from] except KeyError: LOGGER.log(5, "Can't find atom {} in block {} in force field {}", atname_from,,, type='inconsistent-data') continue idx_to = to_name_to_idx[atname_to] map_dict[idx_from][idx_to] = weight return Mapping(from_block, to_block, map_dict, {}, ff_from=from_block.force_field, ff_to=to_block.force_field, extra=extra, normalize_weights=False, type='block', names=(,))
[docs]def read_mapping_file(lines, force_fields): director = MappingDirector(force_fields) out = collections.defaultdict(lambda: collections.defaultdict(dict)) mappings = director.parse(lines) for mapping in mappings: out[mapping.ff_from][mapping.ff_to][mapping.names] = mapping return _default_to_dict(out)
def _default_to_dict(mappings): """ Convert a mapping collection from a defaultdict to a dict. """ if isinstance(mappings, dict): return { key: _default_to_dict(value) for key, value in mappings.items() } else: return mappings def _compute_weights(mapping, name): """ Calculate the mapping weights from a preliminary mapping. The preliminary mapping refers to atoms by their names instead of the tuple ``(resid, name)`` used in a final mapping. Target atoms with null weights are prefixed with a '!'. The result dictionary also refers to atoms directly by name. Parameters ---------- mapping: dict[str, list[str]] Preliminary mapping. name: str Molecule name. Used to generate error messages. Returns ------- dict """ rev_mapping = collections.defaultdict(list) for from_atom, to_atoms in mapping.items(): for to_atom in to_atoms: rev_mapping[to_atom].append(from_atom) # Atoms can be mapped with a null weight by prefixing the target particle # with a "!". We first set the non-null weights. pre_weights = { from_atom: dict(collections.Counter([ to_atom for to_atom in to_atoms if not to_atom.startswith('!') ])) for from_atom, to_atoms in mapping.items() } for atom_weights in pre_weights.values(): total = sum(atom_weights.values()) for to_atom in atom_weights: atom_weights[to_atom] /= total weights = collections.defaultdict(dict) for from_atom, to_atoms in pre_weights.items(): for to_atom, weight in to_atoms.items(): weights[to_atom][from_atom] = weight # Then we add the null weights. null_weights = { to_atom[1:]: {from_atom: 0 for from_atom in from_atoms} for to_atom, from_atoms in rev_mapping.items() if to_atom.startswith('!') } for to_atom, from_weights in null_weights.items(): null_keys = set(from_weights.keys()) non_null_keys = set(weights.get(to_atom, {}).keys()) redefined_keys = null_keys & non_null_keys if redefined_keys: msg = ('Atom(s) {} is mapped to "{}" with and without a weight ' 'in the molecule "{}". ' 'There cannot be the same target atom name with and ' 'without a "!" prefix on a same line.') raise IOError(msg.format(redefined_keys, to_atom, name)) weights[to_atom] = weights.get(to_atom, {}) weights[to_atom].update(from_weights) return weights def _read_mapping_partial(lines, start_line): """ Partial reader for modified Backward mapping files. Read mapping from a Backward mapping file. Not all fields are supported, only the "molecule" and the "atoms" fields are read. The origin force field is assumed to be "universal", and the destination force field is assumed to be "martini22". The content is assumed to start just *after* the '[ molecule ]' line. The function consumes the iterator until, and including, the next '[ molecule ]' line if any. Parameters ---------- lines:[str] Collection of lines to read. start_line: int The first line number. Starts at 1. Returns ------- name: str The name of the fragment as read in the "molecule" field. from_ff: list[str] A list of force field origins. Each force field is referred by name. to_ff: list[str] A list of force field destinations. Each force field is referred by name. mapping: dict[tuple[int, str], list[tuple[int, str]]] The mapping. The keys of the dictionary are pairs of residue indices and the atom names in the origin force field as tupples (resid, atomname); the values are lists of resid, and atom names pairs in the destination force field. weights: dict extra: list Unmapped atoms to be added. line_number: int The number of the last line consumed. """ from_ff = [] to_ff = [] mapping = {} extra = [] context = 'molecule' name = None has_content = False line_number = None for line_number, line in enumerate(lines, start=start_line): cleaned = line.split(';', 1)[0].strip() if not cleaned: continue elif cleaned.startswith('['): if not cleaned.endswith(']'): raise IOError('Format error at line {}.'.format(line_number)) context = cleaned[1:-1].strip() if context == 'molecule': if not has_content: # This detects cases where the file looks like: # [ molecule ] # [ molecule ] # # Then the partial function gets: # [ molecule ] # # as the first section header is consimed by the parent # function. raise IOError('Mapping starting at line {} is empty.' .format(start_line)) break elif context == 'molecule': if name is None: name = cleaned else: msg = ('Line {} tries to redefine the name of the molecule ' 'starting at line {}.') raise IOError(msg.format(line_number, start_line)) elif context == 'atoms': _, from_atom, *to_atoms = cleaned.split() if from_atom in mapping: msg = ('At line {}, the atom "{}", that is already defined, ' 'get defined again.') raise IOError(msg.format(line_number, from_atom)) mapping[from_atom] = to_atoms elif context in ['from', 'mapping']: from_ff.extend(cleaned.split()) elif context == 'to': to_ff.extend(cleaned.split()) elif context == 'extra': extra.extend(cleaned.split()) # else: we are dealing with a section that we should ignore. has_content = True if name is None and context != 'molecule': # At this point, there are two cases where the name can be None: # either it was not defined, or there was no content to read. In the # later case, the context was not changed from its initial value. # Here, we are in the former case, and the name was not defined. This #case is an erroroneous one. msg = ('The mapping starting at line {} is defined without a name. ' 'The block name must follow the [ molecule ] section.') raise IOError(msg.format(start_line)) weights = _compute_weights(mapping, name) # While it is not supported by the file format, mappings can contain # residue information. Atom identifiers in all the outputs must be formated # as `(residue, name)`; yet, we only use the name so far. Here we set the # residue to 0 for all the atoms assuming we only deal with single residue # mappings. # We use the opportunity to clean out the null-weight mappings. mapping = { (0, from_atom): [(0, to_atom if not to_atom.startswith('!') else to_atom[1:]) for to_atom in to_atoms] for from_atom, to_atoms in mapping.items() } weights = { (0, to_atom): {(0, from_atom): weight for from_atom, weight in from_weights.items()} for to_atom, from_weights in weights.items() } # If not specified in the file, we assume the mapping is for # universal -> martini22 if not from_ff: from_ff = ['universal', ] if not to_ff: to_ff = ['martini22', ] return name, from_ff, to_ff, mapping, weights, extra, line_number
[docs]def read_mapping_directory(directory, force_fields): """ Read all the mapping files in a directory. The resulting mapping collection is a 3-level dict where the keys are: * the name of the origin force field * the name of the destination force field * the name of the residue The values after these 3 levels is a mapping dict where the keys are the atom names in the origin force field and the values are lists of names in the destination force field. Parameters ---------- directory: str The path to the directory to search. Files with a '.backmap' extension will be read. There is no recursive search. force_fields: dict[str, ForceField] Dict of known forcefields Returns ------- dict A collection of mappings. """ directory = Path(directory) if not directory.is_dir(): raise NotADirectoryError('"{}" is not a directory.'.format(directory)) mappings = collections.defaultdict(lambda: collections.defaultdict(dict)) # Old style mappings for path in directory.glob('**/*.map'): with open(str(path)) as infile: try: new_mappings = read_backmapping_file(infile, force_fields) except IOError: raise IOError('An error occured while reading "{}".'.format(path)) else: combine_mappings(mappings, new_mappings) # New style mappings for path in directory.glob('**/*.mapping'): with open(str(path)) as infile: try: new_mappings = read_mapping_file(infile, force_fields) except IOError: raise IOError('An error occured while reading "{}".'.format(path)) else: combine_mappings(mappings, new_mappings) return dict(mappings)
[docs]def generate_self_mappings(blocks): """ Generate self mappings from a collection of blocks. A self mapping is a mapping that maps a force field to itself. Applying such mapping is applying a neutral transformation. Parameters ---------- blocks: dict[str, networkx.Graph] A dictionary of blocks with block names as keys and the blocks themselves as values. The blocks must be instances of :class:`networkx.Graph` with each node having an 'atomname' attribute. Returns ------- mappings: dict[str, tuple] A dictionary of mappings where the keys are the names of the blocks, and the values are tuples like (mapping, weights, extra). Raises ------ KeyError Raised if a node does not have am 'atomname' attribute. See Also -------- read_mapping_file Read a mapping from a file. generate_all_self_mappings Generate self mappings for a list of force fields. """ mappings = {} for name, block in blocks.items(): mapping = Mapping(block, block, {idx: {idx: 1} for idx in block.nodes}, {}, ff_from=block.force_field, ff_to=block.force_field, extra=[], type='block', names=(name,)) mappings[name] = mapping return mappings
[docs]def generate_all_self_mappings(force_fields): """ Generate self mappings for a list of force fields. Parameters ---------- force_fields: List of instances of :class:`~vermouth.forcefield.ForceField`. Returns ------- dict A collection of mappings formatted as the output of the :func:`read_mapping_directory` function. """ mappings = collections.defaultdict(dict) for force_field in force_fields: name = mappings[name][name] = generate_self_mappings(force_field.blocks) return dict(mappings)
[docs]def combine_mappings(known_mappings, partial_mapping): """ Update a collection of mappings. Add the mappings from the 'partial_mapping' argument into the 'known_mappings' collection. Both arguments are collections of mappings similar to the output of the :func:`read_mapping_directory` function. They are dictionary with 3 levels of keys: the name of the initial force field, the name of the target force field, and the name of the block. The values in the third level dictionary are tuples of (mapping, weights, extra). If a force field appears in 'partial_mapping' that is not in 'known_mappings', then it is added. For existing pairs of initial and target force fields, the blocks are updated and the version in 'partial_mapping' is kept in priority. Parameters ---------- known_mappings: dict Collection of mapping to update **in-place**. partial_mapping: dict Collection of mappings to update from. """ for origin, destinations in partial_mapping.items(): known_mappings[origin] = known_mappings.get(origin, {}) for destination, residues in destinations.items(): known_mappings[origin][destination] = known_mappings[origin].get(destination, {}) for residue, mapping in residues.items(): known_mappings[origin][destination][residue] = mapping