Source code for vermouth.dssp.dssp

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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Assign protein secondary structures using DSSP.

import collections
import logging
import os
import subprocess
import tempfile

from ..file_writer import deferred_open
from ..pdb import pdb
from ..system import System
from ..processors.processor import Processor
from ..selectors import is_protein, selector_has_position, filter_minimal, select_all
from .. import utils
from ..log_helpers import StyleAdapter, get_logger

LOGGER = StyleAdapter(get_logger(__name__))

[docs]class DSSPError(Exception): """ Exception raised if DSSP fails. """
[docs]def read_dssp2(lines): """ Read the secondary structure from a DSSP output. Only the first column of the "STRUCTURE" block is read. See the `documentation of the DSSP format`_ for more details. The secondary structures that can be read are: :H: α-helix :B: residue in isolated β-bridge :E: extended strand, participates in β ladder :G: 3-helix (3-10 helix) :I: 5 helix (π-helix) :T: hydrogen bonded turn :S: bend :C: loop or irregular The "C" code for loops and random coil is translated from the gap used in the DSSP file for an improved readability. Only the version 2 and 3 of DSSP is supported. If the format is not recognized as comming from that version of DSSP, then a :exc:`IOError` is raised. .. _`documentation of the DSSP format`: Parameters ---------- lines: An iterable over the lines of the DSSP output. This can be *e.g.* a list of lines, or a file handler. The new line character is ignored. Returns ------- secstructs: list[str] The secondary structure assigned by DSSP as a list of one-letter secondary structure code. Raises ------ IOError When a line could not be parsed, or if the version of DSSP is not supported. """ secstructs = [] # We use the line number for the error messages. It is more natural for a # user to count lines in a file starting from 1 rather than 0. numbered_lines = enumerate(lines, start=1) # The function can only read output from DSSP version 2 and 3. Hopefully, if # the input file is not in this format, then the parser will break as it # reads the file; we can expect that the end of the header will not be found # or the secondary structure will be an unexpected character. # We could predict from the first line that the format is not the one we # expect if it does not start with "===="; however, the first lines of the # file are non-essential and could have been trimmed. (For instance, the # first line of a DSSPv2 file contains the date of execution of the # program, which is annoying when comparing files.) Failing at the # first line is likely unnecessary. # Yet, we can identify files from DSSP v1 from the first line. These files # start with "****" instead of "====". If we identify such a file, we can # fail with a useful error message. _, first_line = next(numbered_lines) if first_line and first_line.startswith('****'): msg = ('Based on its header, the input file could come from a ' 'pre-July 1995 version of DSSP (or the compatibility mode ' 'of a more recent version). Only output from the version 2 and 3' 'of DSSP are supported.') raise IOError(msg) # First we skip the header and the histogram. for line_num, line in numbered_lines: if line.startswith(' # RESIDUE AA'): break else: # no break msg = ('No secondary structure assignation could be read because the ' 'file is not formated correctly. No line was found that starts ' 'with " # RESIDUE AA".') raise IOError(msg) # Now, every line should be a secondary structure assignation. for line_num, line in numbered_lines: if '!' in line or not line: # This is a TER record or an empty line, we ignore it. continue elif len(line) >= 17: secondary_structure = line[16] if secondary_structure not in 'HBEGITS ': msg = 'Unrecognize secondary structure "{}" in line {}: "{}"' raise IOError(msg.format(secondary_structure, line_num, line)) # DSSP represents the coil with a space. While this works in a # column based file, it is much less convenient to handle in # our code, and it is much less readable in our debug logs. # We translate the space to "C" in our representation. if secondary_structure == ' ': secondary_structure = 'C' secstructs.append(secondary_structure) else: raise IOError('Line {} is too short: "{}".'.format(line_num, line)) return secstructs
[docs]def run_dssp(system, executable='dssp', savefile=None, defer_writing=True): """ Run DSSP on a system and return the assigned secondary structures. Run DSSP using the path (or name in the research PATH) given by "executable". Return the secondary structure parsed from the output of the program. In order to call DSSP, a PDB file is produced. Therefore, all the molecules in the system must contain the required attributes for such a file to be generated. Also, the atom names are assumed to be compatible with the 'universal' force field for DSSP to recognize them. However, the molecules do not require the edges to be defined. DSSP is assumed to be in version 2 or 3. The secondary structure codes are described in :func:`read_dssp2`. If "savefile" is set to a path, then the output of DSSP is written in that file. Parameters ---------- system: System executable: str Where to find the DSSP executable. savefile: None or str or pathlib.Path If set to a path, the output of DSSP is written in that file. defer_writing: bool Whether to use :meth:`~vermouth.file_writer.DeferredFileWriter.write` for writing data Returns list[str] The assigned secondary structures as a list of one-letter codes. The secondary structure sequences of all the molecules are combined in a single list without delimitation. Raises ------ DSSPError DSSP failed to run. IOError The output of DSSP could not be parsed. See Also -------- read_dssp2 Parse a DSSP output. """ tmpfile_handle, tmpfile_name = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.pdb', text=True, dir='.', prefix='dssp_in_') tmpfile_handle = os.fdopen(tmpfile_handle, mode='w') tmpfile_handle.write(pdb.write_pdb_string(system, conect=False)) tmpfile_handle.close() process = [executable, '-i', tmpfile_name], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, check=False, universal_newlines=True ) status = process.returncode # If an error is encountered, or the loglevel is low enough, preserve the # DSSP input file, and print a nice message. if not status and LOGGER.getEffectiveLevel() > logging.DEBUG: os.remove(tmpfile_name) if status: message = 'DSSP encountered an error. The message was {err}. The input' \ ' file provided to DSSP can be found at {file}.' raise DSSPError(message.format(err=process.stderr, file=tmpfile_name)) else: LOGGER.debug('DSSP input file written to {}', tmpfile_name) if savefile is not None: if defer_writing: open = deferred_open with open(str(savefile), 'w') as outfile: outfile.write(process.stdout) return read_dssp2(process.stdout.split('\n'))
def _savefile_path(molecule, savedir=None): savefile = None if savedir is not None: first_atom = list(molecule.nodes.keys())[0] chain = molecule.nodes[first_atom].get('chain') if chain is None: msg = 'The "savedir" argument can only be used if chains are set.' raise ValueError(msg) savefile = os.path.join(savedir, 'chain_{}.ssd'.format(chain)) return savefile
[docs]def annotate_dssp(molecule, executable='dssp', savedir=None, attribute='secstruct'): """ Adds the DSSP assignation to the atoms of a molecule. Runs DSSP on the molecule and adds the secondary structure assignation as an attribute of its atoms. The attribute name in which the assignation is stored is controlled with the "attribute" argument. Only proteins can be annotated. Non-protein molecules are returned unmodified, so are empty molecules, and molecules for which no positions are set. The atom names are assumed to be compatible with DSSP. Atoms with no known position are not passed to DSSP which may lead to an error in DSSP. .. warning:: The molecule is annotated **in-place**. Parameters ---------- molecule: Molecule The molecule to annotate. Its atoms must have the attributes required to write a PDB file; other atom attributes, edges, or molecule attributes are not used. executable: str The path or name in the research PATH of the DSSP executable. savedir: None or str If set to a path, the DSSP output will be written in this **directory**. The option is only available if chains are defined with the 'chain' atom attribute. attribute: str The name of the atom attribute in which to store the annotation. See Also -------- run_dssp, read_dssp2 """ if not is_protein(molecule): return clean_pos = molecule.subgraph( filter_minimal(molecule, selector=selector_has_position) ) # We ignore empty molecule, there is no point at running DSSP on them. if not clean_pos: return savefile = _savefile_path(molecule, savedir) system = System() system.add_molecule(clean_pos) secstructs = run_dssp(system, executable, savefile) annotate_residues_from_sequence(molecule, attribute, secstructs)
[docs]def convert_dssp_to_martini(sequence): """ Convert a sequence of secondary structure to martini secondary sequence. Martini treats some secondary structures with less resolution than dssp. For instance, the different types of helices that dssp discriminates are seen the same by martini. Yet, different parts of the same helix are seen differently in martini. In the Martini force field, the B and E secondary structures from DSSP are both treated as extended regions. All the DSSP helices are treated the same, but the different part of the helices (beginning, end, core of a short helix, core of a long helix) are treated differently. After the conversion, the secondary structures are: * :F: Collagenous Fiber * :E: Extended structure (β sheet) * :H: Helix structure * :1: Helix start (H-bond donor) * :2: Helix end (H-bond acceptor) * :3: Ambivalent helix type (short helices) * :T: Turn * :S: Bend * :C: Coil Parameters ---------- sequence: str A sequence of secondary structures as read from dssp. One letter per residue. Returns ------- str A sequence of secondary structures usable for martini. One letter per residue. """ ss_cg = {'1': 'H', '2': 'H', '3': 'H', 'H': 'H', 'G': 'H', 'I': 'H', 'B': 'E', 'E': 'E', 'T': 'T', 'S': 'S', 'C': 'C'} patterns = collections.OrderedDict([ ('.H.', '.3.'), ('.HH.', '.33.'), ('.HHH.', '.333.'), ('.HHHH.', '.3333.'), ('.HHHHH.', '.13332.'), ('.HHHHHH.', '.113322.'), ('.HHHHHHH.', '.1113222.'), ('.HHHH', '.1111'), ('HHHH.', '2222.'), ]) cg_sequence = ''.join(ss_cg[secstruct] for secstruct in sequence) wildcard_sequence = ''.join('H' if secstruct == 'H' else '.' for secstruct in cg_sequence) for pattern, replacement in patterns.items(): wildcard_sequence = wildcard_sequence.replace(pattern, replacement) result = ''.join( wildcard if wildcard != '.' else cg for wildcard, cg in zip(wildcard_sequence, cg_sequence) ) return result
[docs]def sequence_from_residues(molecule, attribute, default=None): """ Generates a sequence of `attribute`, one per residue in `molecule`. Parameters ---------- molecule: vermouth.molecule.Molecule The molecule to process. attribute: The attribute of interest. default: object Yielded if the first node of a residue has no attribute `attribute`. Yields ------ object The value of `attribute` for every residue in `molecule`. """ for residue_nodes in molecule.iter_residues(): # TODO: Make sure they're the same for every node in residue. first_name = residue_nodes[0] first_node = molecule.nodes[first_name] value = first_node.get(attribute, default) yield value
[docs]def annotate_residues_from_sequence(molecule, attribute, sequence): """ Sets the attribute `attribute` to a value from `sequence` for every node in `molecule`. Nodes in the n'th residue of `molecule` are given the n'th value of `sequence`. Parameters ---------- molecule: networkx.Graph The molecule to annotate. Is modified in-place. attribute: The attribute to set. sequence: The values assigned. Raises ------ ValueError If the length of `sequence` is different from the number of residues in `molecule`. """ residues = list(molecule.iter_residues()) if len(sequence) == 1: sequence = sequence * len(residues) elif len(sequence) != len(residues): msg = ('The sequence length does not match the number of residues. ' 'The sequence has {} elements for {} residues.') raise ValueError(msg.format(len(sequence), len(residues))) for residue_nodes, value in zip(residues, sequence): for node_name in residue_nodes: molecule.nodes[node_name][attribute] = value
[docs]def convert_dssp_annotation_to_martini( molecule, from_attribute='secstruct', to_attribute='cgsecstruct'): """ For every node in `molecule`, translate the `from_attribute` with :func:`convert_dssp_to_martini`, and assign it to the attribute `to_attribute`. Parameters ---------- molecule: networkx.Graph The molecule to process. Is modified in-place. from_attribute: The attribute to read. to_attribute: The attribute to set. Raises ------ ValueError If not all nodes have a `from_attribute`. """ dssp_sequence = list(sequence_from_residues(molecule, from_attribute)) if None not in dssp_sequence: cg_sequence = list(convert_dssp_to_martini(dssp_sequence)) annotate_residues_from_sequence(molecule, to_attribute, cg_sequence) elif all(elem is None for elem in dssp_sequence): # There is no DSSP assignation for the molecule. This is likely due to # the molecule not being a protein. Anyway, we issue a debug message # as it *could* be due to the DSSP assignation having been skipped # for some reason. msg = 'No DSSP assignation to convert to Martini secondary structure intermediates.' LOGGER.debug(msg) else: # This is more of a problem. For now, we do not know what to do with # incomplete DSSP assignation. This may come later as a problem if # a molecule is attached to a protein. raise ValueError('Not all residues have a DSSP assignation.')
[docs]class AnnotateDSSP(Processor): name = 'AnnotateDSSP' def __init__(self, executable='dssp', savedir=None): super().__init__() self.executable = executable self.savedir = savedir
[docs] def run_molecule(self, molecule): annotate_dssp(molecule, self.executable, self.savedir) return molecule
[docs]class AnnotateMartiniSecondaryStructures(Processor): name = 'AnnotateMartiniSecondaryStructures'
[docs] @staticmethod def run_molecule(molecule): convert_dssp_annotation_to_martini(molecule) return molecule
[docs]class AnnotateResidues(Processor): """ Set an attribute of the nodes from a sequence with one element per residue. Read a sequence with one element per residue and assign an attribute of each node based on that sequence, so each node has the value corresponding to its residue. In most cases, the length of the sequence has to match the total number of residues in the system. The sequence must be ordered in the same way as the residues in the system. If all the molecules have the same number of residues, and if the length of the sequence corresponds to the number of residue of one molecule, then the sequence is repeated to all molecules. If the sequence contains only one element, then it is repeated to all the residues ofthe system. Parameters ---------- attribute: str Name of the node attribute to populate. sequence: Per-residue sequence. molecule_selector: Function that takes an instance of :class:`vermouth.molecule.Molecule` as argument and returns `True` if the molecule should be considered, else `False`. """ name = 'AnnotateResidues' def __init__(self, attribute, sequence, molecule_selector=select_all): self.attribute = attribute self.sequence = sequence self.molecule_selector = molecule_selector
[docs] def run_molecule(self, molecule): """ Run the processor on a single molecule. Parameters ---------- molecule: vermouth.molecule.Molecule Returns ------- vermouth.molecule.Molecule """ if self.molecule_selector(molecule): annotate_residues_from_sequence(molecule, self.attribute, self.sequence) return molecule
[docs] def run_system(self, system): """ Run the processor on a system. Parameters ---------- system: vermouth.system.System Returns ------- vermouth.system.System """ # Test and adjust the length of the sequence. There are 3 valid scenarios: # * the length of the sequence matches the number of residues in the # selection; # * all the molecules in the selection have the same number of residues # and the sequence length matches the number of residue of one # molecule; in this case the equence is repeated for each molecule; # * the sequence has a length of one; in this case the sequence is # repeated for each residue. # The case were there is no molecule in the selection is only valid if # the sequence is empty. Then we are in the first valid scenario. molecule_lengths = [ len(list(molecule.iter_residues())) for molecule in system.molecules if self.molecule_selector(molecule) ] if self.sequence and not molecule_lengths: raise ValueError('There is no molecule to which ' 'to apply the sequence.') if (molecule_lengths and len(self.sequence) == molecule_lengths[0] and utils.are_all_equal(molecule_lengths)): sequence = list(self.sequence) * len(molecule_lengths) elif len(self.sequence) == 1: sequence = list(self.sequence) * sum(molecule_lengths) elif len(self.sequence) != sum(molecule_lengths): raise ValueError( 'The length of the sequence ({}) does not match the ' 'number of residues in the selection ({}).' .format(len(self.sequence), sum(molecule_lengths)) ) else: sequence = self.sequence end = 0 begin = 0 for molecule, nres in zip(system.molecules, molecule_lengths): end += nres annotate_residues_from_sequence( molecule, self.attribute, sequence[begin:end] ) begin += nres