Source code for vermouth.graph_utils

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2018 University of Groningen
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from collections import defaultdict
import itertools
import networkx as nx

from .utils import maxes, first_alpha, are_all_equal

[docs]def add_element_attr(molecule): """ Adds an element attribute to every node in `molecule`, based on that node's atomname attribute. Parameters ---------- molecule: networkx.Graph The graph of which nodes should get an element attribute. Raises ------ ValueError If no element could be guessed for a node. """ for node_idx in molecule: node = molecule.nodes[node_idx] if 'element' not in node: try: element = first_alpha(node['atomname']) except KeyError: raise ValueError('Cannot guess the element of atom {}: ' 'the node has no atom name.' .format(node_idx)) except ValueError: raise ValueError('Cannot guess the element of atom {}: ' 'the atom name has no alphabetic charater.' .format(node_idx)) node['element'] = element
[docs]def categorical_cartesian_product(graph1, graph2, attributes=tuple()): product = nx.Graph() # FIXME graphtype? for idx1, idx2 in itertools.product(graph1, graph2): node1 = graph1.nodes[idx1] node2 = graph2.nodes[idx2] if all((attr in node1 and attr in node2 and node1[attr] == node2[attr]) or (attr not in node1 and attr not in node2) for attr in attributes): attrs = {} for attr in set(node1.keys()) | set(node2.keys()): attrs[attr] = (node1.get(attr, None), node2.get(attr, None)) product.add_node((idx1, idx2), **attrs) return product
[docs]def categorical_modular_product(graph1, graph2, attributes=tuple()): product = categorical_cartesian_product(graph1, graph2, attributes) for (graph1_node1, graph2_node1), (graph1_node2, graph2_node2) in itertools.combinations(product.nodes(), 2): graph1_nodes = graph1_node1, graph1_node2 graph2_nodes = graph2_node1, graph2_node2 both_edge = graph1.has_edge(*graph1_nodes) and graph2.has_edge(*graph2_nodes) neither_edge = not graph1.has_edge(*graph1_nodes) and\ not graph2.has_edge(*graph2_nodes) # Effectively: not (graph1.has_edge(graph1_node1, graph1_node2) xor graph2.has_edge(graph2_node1, graph2_node2)) if graph1_node1 != graph1_node2 and graph2_node1 != graph2_node2 and\ (both_edge or neither_edge): attrs = {} if both_edge: g1_edge_keys = set(graph1.edges[graph1_nodes].keys()) g2_edge_keys = set(graph2.edges[graph2_nodes].keys()) for attr in g1_edge_keys | g2_edge_keys: attrs[attr] = (graph1.edges[graph1_nodes].get(attr, None), graph2.edges[graph2_nodes].get(attr, None)) product.add_edge((graph1_node1, graph2_node1), (graph1_node2, graph2_node2), **attrs) return product
[docs]def categorical_maximum_common_subgraph(graph1, graph2, attributes=tuple()): product = categorical_modular_product(graph1, graph2, attributes) cliques = nx.find_cliques(product) # cliques is an iterator which will return a *lot* of items. So make sure # we never turn it into a full list. largest = maxes(cliques, key=len) matches = [dict(clique) for clique in largest] return matches
[docs]def rate_match(residue, bead, match): """ A helper function which rates how well ``match`` describes the isomorphism between ``residue`` and ``bead`` based on the number of matching atomnames. Parameters ---------- residue : networkx.Graph A graph. Required node attributes: :atomname: The name of an atom. bead : networkx.Graph A subgraph of ``residue`` where the isomorphism is described by ``match``. Required node attributes: :atomname: The name of an atom. Returns ------- int The number of entries in match where the atomname in ``residue`` matches the atomname in ``bead``. """ return sum(residue.nodes[rdx].get('atomname') == bead.nodes[bdx].get('atomname') for rdx, bdx in match.items())
def _items_with_common_values(graph, nodes=None, excluded_keys=[]): """ Finds all node attributes of nodes in graph that all have the same values. Returns a dict of node attribute/common value pairs. One can exclude specifc keys using the exclude variable. Parameters ---------- graph: networkx.Graph nodes: or None If None, consider all nodes. All nodes must be in graph. exclude: keys to exclude from the common value list Returns ------- dict """ if not nodes: nodes = set(graph.nodes) common_attrs = defaultdict(list) for idx in nodes: for key, val in graph.nodes[idx].items(): if key not in excluded_keys: common_attrs[key].append(val) common_attrs = {key: vals[0] for key, vals in common_attrs.items() if len(vals) == len(nodes) and are_all_equal(vals)} return common_attrs
[docs]def get_attrs(node, attrs): """ Returns multiple values from a dictionary in order. Parameters ---------- node: dict The dict from which items should be taken. attrs: The keys which values should be taken. Returns ------- tuple A tuple containing the value of every key in attrs in the same order, where missing values are `None`. """ return tuple(node.get(attr) for attr in attrs)
[docs]def partition_graph(graph, partitions): """ Create a new graph based on `graph`, where nodes are aggregated based on `partitions`, similar to :func:`~networkx.algorithms.minors.quotient_graph`, except that it only accepts pre-made partitions, and edges are not given a 'weight' attribute. Much fast than the quotient_graph, since it creates edges based on existing edges rather than trying all possible combinations. Parameters ---------- graph: networkx.Graph The graph to partition partitions:[[]] E.g. a list of lists of node indices, describing the partitions. Will be sorted by lowest index. Returns ------- networkx.Graph The coarser graph. """ new_graph = nx.Graph() partitions = sorted(partitions, key=min) mapping = {} for idx, node_idxs in enumerate(partitions): subgraph = nx.subgraph(graph, node_idxs) new_graph.add_node(idx, graph=subgraph, nnodes=len(subgraph), nedges=len(subgraph.edges), density=nx.density(subgraph)) mapping.update({node_idx: idx for node_idx in node_idxs}) for idx, jdx in graph.edges: if mapping[idx] != mapping[jdx]: new_idx, new_jdx = mapping[idx], mapping[jdx] edge_attrs = graph.edges[(idx, jdx)] if new_graph.has_edge(new_idx, new_jdx): old_attrs = new_graph.edges[(new_idx, new_jdx)] new_attrs = {key: old_attrs[key] for key in old_attrs.keys() & edge_attrs.keys()\ if old_attrs[key] == edge_attrs[key]} old_attrs.clear() new_graph.add_edge(new_idx, new_jdx, **new_attrs) else: new_graph.add_edge(new_idx, new_jdx, **edge_attrs) return new_graph
[docs]def make_residue_graph(graph, attrs=('chain', 'resid', 'resname', 'insertion_code')): """ Create a new graph based on `graph`, where nodes with identical attribute values for the attribute names in `attrs` will be contracted into a single, coarser node. With the default arguments it will create a graph with one node per residue. Resulting (coarse) nodes will have the same attributes as the constructing nodes, but only those that have identical values. In addition, they'll have attributes 'graph', 'nnodes', 'nedges' and 'density'. Parameters ---------- graph: networkx.Graph The graph to condense. attrs:[] The node attributes that determine node equivalence. Returns ------- networkx.Graph The resulting coarser graph, where equivalent nodes are contracted to a single node. """ # Create partitions. These will contain all nodes, even those without e.g. # a resname, since those will get resname None residue_idxs = collect_residues(graph, attrs) res_graph = partition_graph(graph, residue_idxs.values()) # Alternatively we can use nx.quotient_graph, but that slows down the # program for large-ish molecules, since quotient_graph scales as O(N^2). # Our partition_graph scales much better, as O(E*N) (number of edges, nodes) # res_graph = nx.quotient_graph(graph, # sorted(residue_idxs.values(), key=min), # relabel=True) # Using this equivalence function rather than the preformed partitions # Creates an equivalent graph, but the node indices are numbered # differently. At the very least it would require a change in the tests. # Note2: This would probably break e.g. the DSSP processor, because the # ordering of residues in the molecule comes from here, and is used by # molecule.iter_residues. # def node_equiv(idx, jdx): # return get_attrs(graph.nodes[idx], attrs) == get_attrs(graph.nodes[jdx], attrs) # res_graph = nx.quotient_graph(graph, node_equiv, relabel=True) for res_idx in res_graph: res_node = res_graph.nodes[res_idx] res_node.update(_items_with_common_values(res_node['graph'], excluded_keys=['graph'])) return res_graph
[docs]def collect_residues(graph, attrs=('chain', 'resid', 'resname', 'insertion_code')): """ Creates groups of indices based on the node attributes with keys `attrs`. All nodes in graph will be part of exactly one group. Parameters ---------- graph: :class:`networkx.Graph` The graph whose node indices should be grouped. attrs: :class:`` The attribute keys that should be used to group node indices. The associated values should be hashable. Returns ------- dict[tuple, set] The keys are the found node attributes, the values the associated node indices. """ residues = defaultdict(set) for node_idx in graph: key = get_attrs(graph.nodes[node_idx], attrs=attrs) residues[key].add(node_idx) return dict(residues)
# We can't inherit from nx.isomorphism.GraphMatcher to override # `semantic_feasibility`. That implementation will clobber this one's method.
[docs]class MappingGraphMatcher(nx.isomorphism.isomorphvf2.GraphMatcher): def __init__(self, *args, edge_match=None, node_match=None, **kwargs): self.edge_match = edge_match self.node_match = node_match super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.G1_adj = self.G1.adj
[docs] def semantic_feasibility(self, G1_node, G2_node): """ Returns True if mapping G1_node to G2_node is semantically feasible. Adapted from networkx.algorithms.isomorphism.vf2userfunc._semantic_feasibility. """ # Make sure the nodes match if self.node_match is not None: nm = self.node_match(self.G1.nodes[G1_node], self.G2.nodes[G2_node]) if not nm: return False # Make sure the edges match if self.edge_match is not None: # Cached lookups core_1 = self.core_1 edge_match = self.edge_match for neighbor in self.G1_adj[G1_node]: # G1_node is not in core_1, so we must handle R_self separately if neighbor == G1_node: if not edge_match(G1_node, G1_node, G2_node, G2_node): return False elif neighbor in core_1: if not edge_match(G1_node, neighbor, G2_node, core_1[neighbor]): return False # syntactic check has already verified that neighbors are symmetric return True