Source code for vermouth.rcsu.go_structure_bias

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Obtain the structural bias for the Go model.
import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
from ..graph_utils import make_residue_graph
from ..molecule import Interaction
from ..processors.processor import Processor
from ..selectors import filter_minimal, select_backbone
from import NonbondParam
from .go_utils import get_go_type_from_attributes

[docs] class ComputeStructuralGoBias(Processor): """ Generate the Go model structural bias for a system of molecules. This processor class has two main functions: .contact_selector and .compute_bias. The .run_molecule function simply loops over all molecules in the system and calls the other two functions. The computed structural bias parameters are stored in `system.gmx_topology_params` and can be written out using the `` function. Subclassing ----------- In order to customize the Go-model structural bias it is recommended to subclass this function and overwrite the ``contact_selector`` method and/or the ``compute_bias`` method. This subclassed Processor then has to be added to the into the martinize2 pipeline in place of the StructuralBiasWriter or as replacement in the GoPipeline. """ def __init__(self, contact_map, cutoff_short, cutoff_long, go_eps, res_dist, moltype, res_graph=None): """ Initialize the Processor with arguments required to setup the Go model structural bias. Parameters ---------- contact_map: list[(str, int, str, int)] list of contacts defined as by the chain identifier and residue index cutoff_short: float distances in nm smaller than this are ignored cutoff_long: float distances in nm larger than this are ignored go_eps: float epsilon value of the structural bias in kJ/mol res_dist: int if nodes are closer than res_dist along the residue graph they are ignored; this is similar to sequence distance but takes into account disulfide bridges for example moltype: str name of the molecule to treat res_graph: :class:`vermouth.molecule.Molecule` residue graph of the molecule; if None it gets generated automatically system: :class:`vermouth.system.System` the system magic_number: float magic number for Go contacts from the old GoVirt script. """ self.contact_map = contact_map self.cutoff_short = cutoff_short self.cutoff_long = cutoff_long self.go_eps = go_eps self.res_dist = res_dist self.moltype = moltype # don't modify self.res_graph = None self.system = None self.__chain_id_to_resnode = {} self.conversion_factor = 2**(1/6) # do not overwrite when subclassing def _chain_id_to_resnode(self, chain, resid): """ Return the node corresponding to the chain and resid. First time the function is run the dict is being created. Parameters ---------- chain: str chain identifier resid: int residue index Returns ------- dict a dict matching the chain,resid to the self.res_graph node """ if self.__chain_id_to_resnode: return self.__chain_id_to_resnode[(chain, resid)] # for each residue collect the chain and residue in a dict # we use this later for identifying the residues from the # contact map for resnode in self.res_graph.nodes: chain_key = self.res_graph.nodes[resnode].get('chain', None) # in vermouth within a molecule all resid are unique # when merging multiple chains we store the old resid # the go model always references the input resid i.e. # the _old_resid resid_key = self.res_graph.nodes[resnode].get('_old_resid') self.__chain_id_to_resnode[(chain_key, resid_key)] = resnode return self.__chain_id_to_resnode[(chain, resid)]
[docs] def contact_selector(self, molecule): """ Select all contacts from the contact map that according to their distance and graph connectivity are elegible to form a Go bond and create exclusions between the backbone beads of those contacts. Parameters ---------- molecule: :class:`vermouth.molecule.Molecule` Returns ------- list[(,, float)] list of node keys and distance """ # distance_matrix of elegible pairs as tuple(node, node, dist) contact_matrix = [] # distance_matrix of elegible symmetrical pairs as tuple(node, node, dist) symmetrical_matrix = [] # find all pairs of residues that are within bonded distance of # self.res_dist connected_pairs = dict(nx.all_pairs_shortest_path_length(self.res_graph, cutoff=self.res_dist)) for contact in self.contact_map: resIDA, chainA, resIDB, chainB = contact # identify the contact in the residue graph based on # chain ID and resid resA = self._chain_id_to_resnode(chainA, resIDA) resB = self._chain_id_to_resnode(chainB, resIDB) # make sure that both residues are not connected # note: contacts should be symmteric so we only # check against one if resB not in connected_pairs[resA]: # now we lookup the backbone nodes within the residue contact bb_node_A = next(filter_minimal(self.res_graph.nodes[resA]['graph'], select_backbone)) bb_node_B = next(filter_minimal(self.res_graph.nodes[resB]['graph'], select_backbone)) # compute the distance between bb-beads dist = np.linalg.norm(molecule.nodes[bb_node_A]['position'] - molecule.nodes[bb_node_B]['position']) # verify that the distance between BB-beads satisfies the # cut-off criteria if self.cutoff_long > dist > self.cutoff_short: atype_a = next(get_go_type_from_attributes(self.res_graph.nodes[resA]['graph'], _old_resid=resIDA, chain=chainA, prefix=self.moltype)) atype_b = next(get_go_type_from_attributes(self.res_graph.nodes[resB]['graph'], _old_resid=resIDB, chain=chainB, prefix=self.moltype)) # Check if symmetric contact has already been processed before # and if so, we append the contact to the final symmetric contact matrix # and add the exclusions. Else, we add to the full valid contact_matrix # and continue searching. if (atype_b, atype_a, dist) in contact_matrix: # generate backbone backbone exclusions # perhaps one day can be it's own function excl = Interaction(atoms=(bb_node_A, bb_node_B), parameters=[], meta={"group": "Go model exclusion"}) molecule.interactions['exclusions'].append(excl) symmetrical_matrix.append((atype_a, atype_b, dist)) else: contact_matrix.append((atype_a, atype_b, dist)) return symmetrical_matrix
[docs] def compute_go_interaction(self, contacts): """ Compute the epsilon value given a distance between two nodes, figure out the atomtype name and store it in the systems attribute gmx_topology_params. Parameters ---------- contacts: list[(str, str, float)] list of node-keys and their distance Returns ---------- dict[frozenset(str, str): float] dict of interaction parameters indexed by atomtype """ go_inters = {} for atype_a, atype_b, dist in contacts: sigma = dist / self.conversion_factor # find the go virtual-sites for this residue # probably can be done smarter but mehhhh contact_bias = NonbondParam(atoms=(atype_a, atype_b), sigma=sigma, epsilon=self.go_eps, meta={"comment": [f"go bond {dist}"]}) self.system.gmx_topology_params["nonbond_params"].append(contact_bias)
[docs] def run_molecule(self, molecule): self.res_graph = make_residue_graph(molecule) # compute the contacts; this also creates # the exclusions contacts = self.contact_selector(molecule) # compute the interaction parameters self.compute_go_interaction(contacts) return molecule
[docs] def run_system(self, system): """ Process `system`. Parameters ---------- system: vermouth.system.System The system to process. Is modified in-place. """ self.system = system super().run_system(system)