Source code for vermouth.processors.locate_charge_dummies

# Copyright 2018 University of Groningen
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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Provides a processor that generates positions for every charge dummy.
import itertools
import operator

import numpy as np

from .processor import Processor


[docs] def fibonacci_sphere(n_samples): """ Place points near-evenly distributed on a sphere. Use the Fibonacci sphere algorithm to place 'n_samples' points at the surface of a sphere of radius 1, centered on the origin. Parameters ---------- n_samples: int Number of points to place. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray 3D coordinates of the points. """ offset = 2 / n_samples increment = np.pi * (3 - np.sqrt(5)) sample_idx = np.arange(n_samples) y = (sample_idx * offset - 1) + offset / 2 # pylint: disable=invalid-name r = np.sqrt(1 - y * y) # pylint: disable=invalid-name phi = (sample_idx % n_samples) * increment x = np.cos(phi) * r # pylint: disable=invalid-name z = np.sin(phi) * r # pylint: disable=invalid-name return np.stack([x, y, z]).T
[docs] def colinear_pair(): """ Build two points on a line around the origin at a random orientation. """ vector = np.random.rand(3) vector /= np.linalg.norm(vector) points = np.stack([np.zeros((3, )), vector]) points -= vector/2 return points
[docs] def find_anchor(molecule, node_key, attribute_tag=DEFAULT_DUMMY_ATTRIBUTE): """ Find the non-dummy bead to which a charge dummy is anchored. Each charge dummy has to be attached to exactly one non-dummy atom. This function returns the node key for that non-dummy atom. Parameters ---------- molecule: networkx.Graph The molecule to work on. node_key: The node key of the charge dummy. attribute_tag: str The name of the atom attribute used to describe charge dummies. Returns ------- The node key of the anchor in the molecule graph. Raises ------ ValueError Raised if there are no anchor, or more than one anchor, found. Raised also if the charge dummy is not a charge dummy. """ dummy = molecule.nodes[node_key] if dummy.get(attribute_tag, None) is None: msg = 'Node "{}" is not a charge dummy. Check the "{}" node attribute.' raise ValueError(msg.format(node_key, attribute_tag)) # There should be only one anchor, and that anchor is the (hopefully) only # neighbor that is not a dummy. potential_anchors = [ neighbor for neighbor in molecule.neighbors(node_key) if molecule.nodes[neighbor].get(attribute_tag, None) is None ] if not potential_anchors: raise ValueError('No anchor found for dummy bead "{}": {}.' .format(node_key, molecule.nodes[node_key])) elif len(potential_anchors) > 1: raise ValueError('Too many potential anchors found for dummy "{}" ({} found).' .format(node_key, len(potential_anchors))) return potential_anchors[0]
[docs] def locate_dummy(molecule, anchor_key, dummy_keys, attribute_tag=DEFAULT_DUMMY_ATTRIBUTE): """ Set the position of a group of charge dummies around a non-dummy anchor. The molecule is modified in-place. The charge dummies are placed at a distance to the anchor defined in nm by their charge dummy attribute, the name of which is given in the 'attribute_tag' argument. Parameters ---------- molecule: vermouth.molecule.Molecule The molecule to work on. anchor_key: The key of the non-dummy anchor all the charge dummies are connected to. dummy_keys: A collection of atom keys for charge dummies to position. attribute_tag: str Name of the atom attribute that describe charge dummies. """ anchor_position = molecule.nodes[anchor_key].get('position') if anchor_position is None: msg = 'The anchor of the "{}" dummy ("{}") does not have a position.' raise ValueError(msg.format(anchor_key, anchor_position[0])) distances = [] distance_error_keys = [] for dummy_key in dummy_keys: try: distances.append(float(molecule.nodes[dummy_key].get(attribute_tag))) except ValueError: distance_error_keys.append(dummy_key) if distance_error_keys: msg = ('The following charge dummies have an invalid for their {} ' 'attribute: {}. The values have to be numbers.' .format(attribute_tag, ', '.join(distance_error_keys))) raise ValueError(msg) distances = np.array(distances) if len(dummy_keys) == 2: points = colinear_pair() else: points = fibonacci_sphere(len(dummy_keys)) points *= distances[:, None] for dummy_key, position in zip(dummy_keys, points): molecule.nodes[dummy_key]['position'] = position + anchor_position
[docs] def locate_all_dummies(molecule, attribute_tag=DEFAULT_DUMMY_ATTRIBUTE): """ Set the position of all charge dummies of a molecule. The molecule is modified in-place. The charge dummies are placed at a distance to the anchor defined in nm by their charge dummy attribute, the name of which is given in the 'attribute_tag' argument. Parameters ---------- molecule: vermouth.molecule.Molecule The molecule to work on. attribute_tag: str Name of the atom attribute that describe charge dummies. """ dummies = [ (find_anchor(molecule, dummy_key, attribute_tag), dummy_key) for dummy_key in molecule.nodes if molecule.nodes[dummy_key].get(attribute_tag, None) is not None ] dummies.sort() # Sort primarily on the anchor key as it appears first grouped_by_anchor = itertools.groupby(dummies, key=operator.itemgetter(0)) for anchor_key, dummy_pairs in grouped_by_anchor: dummy_keys = [pair[1] for pair in dummy_pairs] locate_dummy(molecule, anchor_key, dummy_keys, attribute_tag)
[docs] class LocateChargeDummies(Processor): def __init__(self, attribute_tag=DEFAULT_DUMMY_ATTRIBUTE): super().__init__() self.attribute_tag = attribute_tag
[docs] def run_molecule(self, molecule): locate_all_dummies(molecule, attribute_tag=self.attribute_tag) return molecule