Source code for vermouth.processors.locate_charge_dummies
# Copyright 2018 University of Groningen
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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Provides a processor that generates positions for every charge dummy.
import itertools
import operator
import numpy as np
from .processor import Processor
def fibonacci_sphere(n_samples):
Place points near-evenly distributed on a sphere.
Use the Fibonacci sphere algorithm to place 'n_samples' points at the
surface of a sphere of radius 1, centered on the origin.
n_samples: int
Number of points to place.
3D coordinates of the points.
offset = 2 / n_samples
increment = np.pi * (3 - np.sqrt(5))
sample_idx = np.arange(n_samples)
y = (sample_idx * offset - 1) + offset / 2 # pylint: disable=invalid-name
r = np.sqrt(1 - y * y) # pylint: disable=invalid-name
phi = (sample_idx % n_samples) * increment
x = np.cos(phi) * r # pylint: disable=invalid-name
z = np.sin(phi) * r # pylint: disable=invalid-name
return np.stack([x, y, z]).T
def colinear_pair():
Build two points on a line around the origin at a random orientation.
vector = np.random.rand(3)
vector /= np.linalg.norm(vector)
points = np.stack([np.zeros((3, )), vector])
points -= vector/2
return points
def find_anchor(molecule, node_key, attribute_tag=DEFAULT_DUMMY_ATTRIBUTE):
Find the non-dummy bead to which a charge dummy is anchored.
Each charge dummy has to be attached to exactly one non-dummy atom. This
function returns the node key for that non-dummy atom.
molecule: networkx.Graph
The molecule to work on.
The node key of the charge dummy.
attribute_tag: str
The name of the atom attribute used to describe charge dummies.
The node key of the anchor in the molecule graph.
Raised if there are no anchor, or more than one anchor, found. Raised
also if the charge dummy is not a charge dummy.
dummy = molecule.nodes[node_key]
if dummy.get(attribute_tag, None) is None:
msg = 'Node "{}" is not a charge dummy. Check the "{}" node attribute.'
raise ValueError(msg.format(node_key, attribute_tag))
# There should be only one anchor, and that anchor is the (hopefully) only
# neighbor that is not a dummy.
potential_anchors = [
for neighbor in molecule.neighbors(node_key)
if molecule.nodes[neighbor].get(attribute_tag, None) is None
if not potential_anchors:
raise ValueError('No anchor found for dummy bead "{}": {}.'
.format(node_key, molecule.nodes[node_key]))
elif len(potential_anchors) > 1:
raise ValueError('Too many potential anchors found for dummy "{}" ({} found).'
.format(node_key, len(potential_anchors)))
return potential_anchors[0]
def locate_dummy(molecule, anchor_key, dummy_keys, attribute_tag=DEFAULT_DUMMY_ATTRIBUTE):
Set the position of a group of charge dummies around a non-dummy anchor.
The molecule is modified in-place.
The charge dummies are placed at a distance to the anchor defined in nm by
their charge dummy attribute, the name of which is given in the
'attribute_tag' argument.
molecule: vermouth.molecule.Molecule
The molecule to work on.
The key of the non-dummy anchor all the charge dummies are connected to.
A collection of atom keys for charge dummies to position.
attribute_tag: str
Name of the atom attribute that describe charge dummies.
anchor_position = molecule.nodes[anchor_key].get('position')
if anchor_position is None:
msg = 'The anchor of the "{}" dummy ("{}") does not have a position.'
raise ValueError(msg.format(anchor_key, anchor_position[0]))
distances = []
distance_error_keys = []
for dummy_key in dummy_keys:
except ValueError:
if distance_error_keys:
msg = ('The following charge dummies have an invalid for their {} '
'attribute: {}. The values have to be numbers.'
.format(attribute_tag, ', '.join(distance_error_keys)))
raise ValueError(msg)
distances = np.array(distances)
if len(dummy_keys) == 2:
points = colinear_pair()
points = fibonacci_sphere(len(dummy_keys))
points *= distances[:, None]
for dummy_key, position in zip(dummy_keys, points):
molecule.nodes[dummy_key]['position'] = position + anchor_position
def locate_all_dummies(molecule, attribute_tag=DEFAULT_DUMMY_ATTRIBUTE):
Set the position of all charge dummies of a molecule.
The molecule is modified in-place.
The charge dummies are placed at a distance to the anchor defined in nm by
their charge dummy attribute, the name of which is given in the
'attribute_tag' argument.
molecule: vermouth.molecule.Molecule
The molecule to work on.
attribute_tag: str
Name of the atom attribute that describe charge dummies.
dummies = [
(find_anchor(molecule, dummy_key, attribute_tag), dummy_key)
for dummy_key in molecule.nodes
if molecule.nodes[dummy_key].get(attribute_tag, None) is not None
dummies.sort() # Sort primarily on the anchor key as it appears first
grouped_by_anchor = itertools.groupby(dummies, key=operator.itemgetter(0))
for anchor_key, dummy_pairs in grouped_by_anchor:
dummy_keys = [pair[1] for pair in dummy_pairs]
locate_dummy(molecule, anchor_key, dummy_keys, attribute_tag)
class LocateChargeDummies(Processor):
def __init__(self, attribute_tag=DEFAULT_DUMMY_ATTRIBUTE):
self.attribute_tag = attribute_tag
def run_molecule(self, molecule):
locate_all_dummies(molecule, attribute_tag=self.attribute_tag)
return molecule