Source code for vermouth.map_parser

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# Copyright 2018 University of Groningen
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Contains the Mapping object and the associated parser.
from collections import defaultdict
from functools import partial

from .ffinput import _tokenize, _parse_atom_attributes
from .graph_utils import MappingGraphMatcher
from .log_helpers import StyleAdapter, get_logger
from .molecule import Block
from .parser_utils import SectionLineParser

LOGGER = StyleAdapter(get_logger(__name__))

[docs] class Mapping: """ A mapping object that describes a mapping from one resolution to another. Attributes ---------- block_from: networkx.Graph The graph which this :class:`Mapping` object can transform. block_to: vermouth.molecule.Block The :class:`vermouth.molecule.Block` we can transform to. references: A mapping of node keys in :attr:`block_to` to node keys in :attr:`block_from` that describes which node in blocks_from should be taken as a reference when determining node attributes for nodes in block_to. ff_from: vermouth.forcefield.ForceField The forcefield of :attr:`block_from`. ff_to: vermouth.forcefield.ForceField The forcefield of :attr:`block_to`. names: tuple[str] The names of the mapped blocks. mapping: dict[, dict[, float]] The actual mapping that describes for every node key in :attr:`block_from` to what node key in :attr:`block_to` it contributes to with what weight. ``{node_from: {node_to: weight, ...}, ...}``. Note ---- Only nodes described in :attr:`mapping` will be used. Parameters ---------- block_from: networkx.Graph As per :attr:`block_from`. block_to: vermouth.molecule.Block As per :attr:`block_to`. mapping: dict[, dict[, float]] As per :attr:`mapping`. references: As per :attr:`references`. ff_from: vermouth.forcefield.ForceField As per :attr:`ff_from`. ff_to: vermouth.forcefield.ForceField As per :attr:`ff_to`. extra: tuple Extra information to be attached to :attr:`block_to`. normalize_weights: bool Whether the weights should be normalized such that the sum of the weights of nodes mapping to something is 1. names: tuple As per :attr:`names`. """ def __init__(self, block_from, block_to, mapping, references, ff_from=None, ff_to=None, extra=(), normalize_weights=False, type='block', names=tuple()): self.block_from = block_from.copy() self.block_to = block_to.copy() self.block_to.extra = extra = names = names self.references = references self.ff_from = ff_from self.ff_to = ff_to self.names = names self.mapping = mapping self.type = type # Remove nodes not mapped from blocks_from unmapped = set(self.block_from.nodes.keys()) - set(self.mapping.keys()) self.block_from.remove_nodes_from(unmapped) # Normalize the weights if normalize_weights: self._normalize_weights() @property def reverse_mapping(self): """ The reverse of :attr:`mapping`. ``{node_to: {node_from: weight, ...}, ...}`` """ rev_mapping = defaultdict(dict) # {idx to: {idx from: weight}} for idx_from in self.mapping: for idx_to, weight in self.mapping[idx_from].items(): rev_mapping[idx_to][idx_from] = weight return dict(rev_mapping)
[docs] def map(self, graph, node_match=None, edge_match=None): """ Performs the partial mapping described by this object on `graph`. It first find the induced subgraph isomorphisms between `graph` and :attr:`block_from`, after which it will process the found isomorphisms according to :attr:`mapping`. None of the yielded dictionaries will refer to node keys of :attr:`block_from`. Instead, those will be translated to node keys of `graph` based on the found isomorphisms. Note ---- Only nodes described in :attr:`mapping` will be used in the isomorphism. Parameters ---------- graph: networkx.Graph The graph on which this partial mapping should be applied. node_match: or None A function that should take two dictionaries with node attributes, and return `True` if those nodes should be considered equal, and `False` otherwise. If None, all nodes will be considered equal. edge_match: or None A function that should take six arguments: two graphs, and four node keys. The first two node keys will be in the first graph and share an edge; and the last two node keys will be in the second graph and share an edge. Should return `True` if a pair of edges should be considered equal, and `False` otherwise. If None, all edges will be considered equal. Yields ------ dict[, dict[, float]] the correspondence between nodes in `graph` and nodes in :attr:`block_to`, with the associated weights. vermouth.molecule.Block :attr:`block_to`. dict :attr:`references` on which :attr:`mapping` has been applied. """ if edge_match is not None: edge_match = partial(edge_match, graph, self.block_from) return self._graph_map(graph, node_match, edge_match)
def _graph_map(self, graph, node_match, edge_match): """ Performs the partial mapping described in :meth:`map` using a "classical" subgraph isomorphism algorithm. """ # 1 Find subgraph isomorphism between blocks_from and graph # 2 Translate found match ({graph idx: blocks from idx}) to indices in # block_to using self.mapping # 3 Return found matches and block_to? # PS. I don't really like this, because this object is becoming too # intelligent by also having to do the isomorphism. On the other hand, # it makes sense from the maths point of view. matcher = MappingGraphMatcher(graph, self.block_from, node_match=node_match, edge_match=edge_match) for match in matcher.subgraph_isomorphisms_iter(): rev_match = {v: k for k, v in match.items()} new_match = defaultdict(dict) for graph_idx, from_idx in match.items(): new_match[graph_idx].update(self.mapping[from_idx]) references = {out_idx: rev_match[ref_idx] for out_idx, ref_idx in self.references.items()} yield dict(new_match), self.block_to, references def _normalize_weights(self): """ Normalize weights in :attr:`mapping` such that the sum of the weights of nodes mapping to something is 1. """ rev_mapping = self.reverse_mapping for idx_from in self.mapping: for idx_to, weight in self.mapping[idx_from].items(): self.mapping[idx_from][idx_to] = weight/sum(rev_mapping[idx_to].values())
[docs] class MappingBuilder: """ An object that is in charge of building the arguments needed to create a :class:`Mapping` object. It's attributes describe the information accumulated so far. Attributes ---------- mapping: collections.defaultdict blocks_from: None or vermouth.molecule.Block blocks_to: None or vermouth.molecule.Block ff_from: None or vermouth.forcefield.ForceField ff_to: None or vermouth.forcefield.ForceField names: list references: dict """ def __init__(self): self.reset()
[docs] def reset(self): """ Reset the object to a clean initial state. """ self.mapping = defaultdict(dict) self.blocks_from = Block() self.blocks_to = Block() self.ff_from = None self.ff_to = None self.names = [] self.references = {}
[docs] def to_ff(self, ff_name): """ Sets :attr:`ff_to` Parameters ---------- ff_name """ self.ff_to = ff_name
[docs] def from_ff(self, ff_name): """ Sets :attr:`ff_from` Parameters ---------- ff_name """ self.ff_from = ff_name
@staticmethod def _add_block(current_block, new_block): """ Helper method that adds `new_block` to `current_block`, if the latter is not `None`. Otherwise, create a new block from `new_block`. Parameters ---------- current_block: None or vermouth.molecule.Block new_block: vermouth.molecule.Block Returns ------- vermouth.molecule.Block The combination of `current_block` and `new_block` """ if not current_block: current_block = new_block.to_molecule(default_attributes={}) else: current_block.merge_molecule(new_block) return current_block
[docs] def add_block_from(self, block): """ Add a block to :attr:`blocks_from`. In addition, apply any 'replace' operation described by nodes on themselves:: {'atomname': 'C', 'charge': 0, 'replace': {'charge': -1}} becomes:: {'atomname': 'C', 'charge': -1} Parameters ---------- block: vermouth.molecule.Block The block to add. """ self.blocks_from = self._add_block(self.blocks_from, block)
[docs] def add_name(self, name): """ Add a name to the mapping. Parameters ---------- name: str The name to add """ self.names.append(name)
[docs] def add_block_to(self, block): """ Add a block to :attr:`blocks_to`. Parameters ---------- block: vermouth.molecule.Block The block to add. """ self.blocks_to = self._add_block(self.blocks_to, block)
[docs] def add_node_from(self, attrs): """ Add a single node to :attr:`blocks_from`. Parameters ---------- attrs: dict[str] The attributes the new node should have. """ if not self.blocks_from: self.blocks_from = Block() idx = 0 else: idx = max(self.blocks_from.nodes) + 1 self.blocks_from.add_node(idx, **attrs)
[docs] def add_node_to(self, attrs): """ Add a single node to :attr:`blocks_to`. Parameters ---------- attrs: dict[str] The attributes the new node should have. """ if not self.blocks_to: self.blocks_to = Block() idx = 0 else: idx = max(self.blocks_to.nodes) + 1 self.blocks_to.add_node(idx, **attrs)
[docs] def add_edge_from(self, attrs1, attrs2, edge_attrs): """ Add a single edge to :attr:`blocks_from` between two nodes in :attr:`blocks_from` described by `attrs1` and `attrs2`. The nodes described should not be the same. Parameters ---------- attrs1: dict[str] The attributes that uniquely describe a node in :attr:`blocks_from` attrs2: dict[str] The attributes that uniquely describe a node in :attr:`blocks_from` edge_attrs: dict[str] The attributes that should be assigned to the new edge. """ nodes1 = list(self.blocks_from.find_atoms(**attrs1)) nodes2 = list(self.blocks_from.find_atoms(**attrs2)) assert len(nodes1) == len(nodes2) == 1 assert nodes1 != nodes2 self.blocks_from.add_edge(nodes1[0], nodes2[0], **edge_attrs)
[docs] def add_edge_to(self, attrs1, attrs2, edge_attrs): """ Add a single edge to :attr:`blocks_to` between two nodes in :attr:`blocks_to` described by `attrs1` and `attrs2`. The nodes described should not be the same. Parameters ---------- attrs1: dict[str] The attributes that uniquely describe a node in :attr:`blocks_to` attrs2: dict[str] The attributes that uniquely describe a node in :attr:`blocks_to` edge_attrs: dict[str] The attributes that should be assigned to the new edge. """ nodes1 = list(self.blocks_to.find_atoms(**attrs1)) nodes2 = list(self.blocks_to.find_atoms(**attrs2)) assert len(nodes1) == len(nodes2) == 1 assert nodes1 != nodes2 self.blocks_to.add_edge(nodes1[0], nodes2[0], **edge_attrs)
[docs] def add_mapping(self, attrs_from, attrs_to, weight): """ Add part of a mapping to :attr:`mapping`. `attrs_from` uniquely describes a node in :attr:`blocks_from` and `attrs_to` a node in :attr:`blocks_to`. Adds a mapping between those nodes with the given `weight`. Parameters ---------- attrs_from: dict[str] The attributes that uniquely describe a node in :attr:`blocks_from` attrs_to: dict[str] The attributes that uniquely describe a node in :attr:`blocks_to` weight: float The weight associated with this partial mapping. """ nodes_from = list(self.blocks_from.find_atoms(**attrs_from)) nodes_to = list(self.blocks_to.find_atoms(**attrs_to)) assert len(nodes_from) == len(nodes_to) == 1 self.mapping[nodes_from[0]][nodes_to[0]] = weight
[docs] def add_reference(self, attrs_to, attrs_from): """ Add a reference to :attr:`references`. Parameters ---------- attrs_to: dict[str] The attributes that uniquely describe a node in :attr:`blocks_to` attrs_from: dict[str] The attributes that uniquely describe a node in :attr:`blocks_from` """ nodes_to = list(self.blocks_to.find_atoms(**attrs_to)) assert len(nodes_to) == 1 node_to = nodes_to[0] nodes_from = set(self.blocks_from.find_atoms(**attrs_from)) mapped_nodes = {from_ for from_ in self.mapping if node_to in self.mapping[from_]} nodes_from = nodes_from.intersection(mapped_nodes) assert len(nodes_from) == 1 self.references[node_to] = next(iter(nodes_from))
[docs] def get_mapping(self, type): """ Instantiate a :class:`Mapping` object with the information accumulated so far, and return it. Returns ------- Mapping The mapping object made from the accumulated information. """ #if self.blocks_from is None: # return None mapping = Mapping(self.blocks_from, self.blocks_to, dict(self.mapping), self.references, ff_from=self.ff_from, ff_to=self.ff_to, type=type, names=tuple(self.names)) return mapping
[docs] class MappingDirector(SectionLineParser): """ A director in charge of parsing the new mapping format. It constructs a new :class:`Mapping` object by calling methods of it's builder (default :class:`MappingBuilder`) with the correct arguments. Parameters ---------- force_fields: dict[str, ForceField] Dict of known force fields. builder: MappingBuilder Attributes ---------- builder The builder used to build the :class:`Mapping` object. By default :class:`MappingBuilder`. identifiers: dict[str, dict[str]] All known identifiers at this point. The key is the actual identifier, prefixed with either "to\\_" or "from\\_", and the values are the associated node attributes. section: str The name of the section currently being processed. from_ff: str The name of the forcefield from which this mapping describes a transfomation. to_ff: str The name of the forcefield to which this mapping describes a transfomation. macros: dict[str, str] A dictionary of known macros. """ RESNAME_NUM_SEP = '#' """ The character that separates a resname from a resnumber in shorthand block formats. """ RESIDUE_ATOM_SEP = ':' """The character that separates a residue identifier from an atomname.""" COMMENT_CHAR = ';' """The character that starts a comment.""" NO_FETCH_BLOCK = '!' """The character that specifies no block should be fetched automatically.""" SECTION_ENDS = ['block', 'modification'] def __init__(self, force_fields, builder=None): if builder is None: self.builder = MappingBuilder() else: self.builder = builder self.force_fields = force_fields super().__init__() self._reset_mapping() def _reset_mapping(self): """ Reinitialize attributes for a new mapping. """ self._current_id = {'from': None, 'to': None} self.ff = {'to': None, 'from': None} self.identifiers = {} self.builder.reset()
[docs] def finalize_section(self, previous_section, ended_section): """ Wraps up parsing of a single mapping. Parameters ---------- previous_section:[str] The previously parsed section. ended_section:[str] The just finished sections. Returns ------- Mapping or None The accumulated mapping if the mapping is complete, None otherwise. """ if any(ended in self.SECTION_ENDS for ended in ended_section): map_type = previous_section[0] mapping = self.builder.get_mapping(map_type) self._reset_mapping() return mapping return None
def _parse_blocks(self, line): """ Helper method for parsing to_blocks and from_blocks. It parses a line containing either a single longhand block description, or multiple shorthand block descriptions. Parameters ---------- line: str yields ------ tuple[str, dict[str]] A tuple of an identifier, and it's associated attributes. """ tokens = list(_tokenize(line)) resid = 0 if len(tokens) == 2 and tokens[1].startswith('{') and tokens[1].endswith('}'): # It's definitely full spec. identifier = tokens[0] attrs = _parse_atom_attributes(tokens[1]) yield identifier, attrs else: # It must be shorthand for identifier in tokens: resname, found_resid = self._parse_block_shorthand(identifier) if found_resid is None: resid += 1 else: resid = found_resid if resname.startswith(self.NO_FETCH_BLOCK): resname = resname[len(self.NO_FETCH_BLOCK):] attrs = {'resname': resname, 'resid': resid} yield identifier, attrs def _parse_block_shorthand(self, token): """ Helper method for parsing block shorthand. Parameters ---------- token: str Returns ------- tuple[str, int] A tuple of a resname and a resid. """ if self.RESNAME_NUM_SEP in token: # PO4#3 or ALA#2 resname, resid = token.split(self.RESNAME_NUM_SEP) resid = int(resid) else: # ALA resname = token resid = None return resname, resid def _resolve_atom_spec(self, atom_str, prefix=None): """ Helper method that, given an atom token and a prefix ("to" or "from") will find the associated node attributes for that atom token. It will either separate the given identifier and atomname and look up the associated node attributes in :attr:`identifiers`; or take the last specified identifier. For example, if given the `atom_str` "ALA:CA" it will look up the node attributes associated with the identifier "ALA" as specified in the (from|to) blocks section, and add them to the attribute `{"atomname": "CA"}`. If given the `atom_str` "CA", it will either take the previously used identifier if available. If not, it will check whether there is only one identifier defined, and use that. Parameters ---------- atom_str: str prefix: str Returns ------- dict[str] The node attributes that describe this atom. """ if self.RESIDUE_ATOM_SEP in atom_str: id_, name = atom_str.split(self.RESIDUE_ATOM_SEP) else: id_, name = None, atom_str if id_ is None: options = {name[1] for name in self.identifiers if name[0] == prefix} if len(options) == 1: id_ = next(iter(options)) if id_ is None: attrs = self._current_id[prefix].copy() else: attrs = self.identifiers[(prefix, id_)].copy() self._current_id[prefix] = self.identifiers[(prefix, id_)] attrs['atomname'] = name return attrs @SectionLineParser.section_parser('modification', 'to', direction='to') @SectionLineParser.section_parser('modification', 'from', direction='from') @SectionLineParser.section_parser('block', 'to', direction='to') @SectionLineParser.section_parser('block', 'from', direction='from') def _ff(self, line, lineno=0, direction=None): """ Parses a "to" or "from" section and sets :attr:`ff`. Every line should contain a separate forcefield name. Parameters ---------- line: str """ builder_methods = {'to': self.builder.to_ff, 'from': self.builder.from_ff} self.ff[direction] = line builder_methods[direction](line) @SectionLineParser.section_parser('modification', 'from blocks', direction='from', map_type='modification') @SectionLineParser.section_parser('modification', 'to blocks', direction='to', map_type='modification') @SectionLineParser.section_parser('block', 'from blocks', direction='from', map_type='block') @SectionLineParser.section_parser('block', 'to blocks', direction='to', map_type='block') def _blocks(self, line, lineno=0, direction=None, map_type=None): """ Parses a "from blocks" or "to_blocks" section and add to :attr:`identifiers`. Calls :method:`builder.add_block_from` and :method:`builder.add_block_from`. A blocks section can be in two formats: shorthand and longhand: Shorthand: resname_ids := <resname_id>[ <resname_ids>] resname_id := <resname>[#<resid>] identifier == resname_id resname := string that does not contain "#" resid := [0-9]+ (residue index) Longhand: full_res_specs := <full_res_spec>[\n<full_res_specs>] full_res_spec := [!]<identifier> <res_attrs> identifier := string that does not start with '!' res_attrs := json dict An "!" signifies that no block should be fetched based on the resname automatically. Identifier *must* be unique for this mapping/direction. Examples -------- Shorthand: ALA#1 ALA#2 GLY Longhand: ALA1 {"resname": "ALA", "resid": 1} ALA2 {"resname": "ALA", "resid": 2} Parameters ---------- line: str lineno: int direction: str Should be 'to' or 'from' map_type: str The type of mapping. """ builder_methods = {'to': self.builder.add_block_to, 'from': self.builder.add_block_from} for identifier, attrs in self._parse_blocks(line): fetch = True if identifier.startswith(self.NO_FETCH_BLOCK): identifier = identifier[len(self.NO_FETCH_BLOCK):] fetch = False if fetch and attrs.get('resname') is not None: block = getattr(self.force_fields[self.ff[direction]], map_type+'s')[attrs['resname']] if map_type == 'modification': # Add the modifications to the mapping block_from, so they # participate in the matching criterion. # Caveat emptor ############### # Copying the modification here before modifying it would be # a *good* idea, but that doesn't work (probably because # Links don't have a sane copy method). Better than this # would be to add the modifications attribute at the ff # parser level. This hack-around (and adding it to the ff # parser) probably have unintended side effects. # block = block.copy() for idx in block.nodes: block.nodes[idx]['modifications'] = [block] builder_methods[direction](block) if direction == 'from': if 'resname' in attrs and isinstance(attrs['resname'], str): name = attrs.get('resname') else: name = identifier self.builder.add_name(name) if map_type == 'modification' and 'resname' in attrs: del attrs['resname'] self.identifiers[(direction, identifier)] = attrs @SectionLineParser.section_parser('modification', 'from nodes', direction='from') @SectionLineParser.section_parser('modification', 'to nodes', direction='to') @SectionLineParser.section_parser('block', 'from nodes', direction='from') @SectionLineParser.section_parser('block', 'to nodes', direction='to') def _nodes(self, line, lineno=0, direction=None): """ Parses a "from nodes" or "to nodes" section. Calls :method:`builder.add_node_from` and :method:`builder.add_node_to`. atoms := <atom>[\n<atoms>] atom := [<identifier>:]<atomname>[ <atom_attrs>] atomname := string that does not contain ':' atom_attrs := json dict If no identifier is specified, the previous one used is taken. If none was used before and there is only one option, that is taken. Will add a new node with as attributes the union of the attributes associated with the identifier and the atom attributes specified. Atom attributes take precedence. Examples -------- AA1:N {"resname": "ALA"} HN AA2:CA HA {"resid": 2} Parameters ---------- line: str lineno: int direction: str Should be 'to' or 'from' """ builder_methods = {'to': self.builder.add_node_to, 'from': self.builder.add_node_from} name, *new_attrs = _tokenize(line) attrs = self._resolve_atom_spec(name, direction) if new_attrs: new_attrs = _parse_atom_attributes(*new_attrs) else: new_attrs = {} attrs.update(new_attrs) builder_methods[direction](attrs) @SectionLineParser.section_parser('modification', 'from edges', direction='from') @SectionLineParser.section_parser('modification', 'to edges', direction='to') @SectionLineParser.section_parser('block', 'from edges', direction='from') @SectionLineParser.section_parser('block', 'to edges', direction='to') def _edges(self, line, lineno=0, direction=None): """ Parses a "from edges" or "to edges" section. Calls :method:`builder.add_edge_from` and :method:`builder.add_edge_to`. edges := <edge>[\n<edges>] edge := <atom> +<atom>[ <edge_attrs>] atom := [<identifier>:]<atomname> edge_attrs := json dict The combination of attributes defined by the identifier + the specified atom name *must* resolve to a unique node in the block. Example ------- ALA#1:C ALA#2:N Parameters ---------- line: str lineno: int direction: str Should be 'to' or 'from' """ builder_methods = {'from': self.builder.add_edge_from, 'to': self.builder.add_edge_to} at1, at2, *attrs = _tokenize(line) attrs1 = self._resolve_atom_spec(at1, direction) attrs2 = self._resolve_atom_spec(at2, direction) if attrs: attrs = _parse_atom_attributes(*attrs) else: attrs = {} builder_methods[direction](attrs1, attrs2, attrs) @SectionLineParser.section_parser('modification', 'mapping') @SectionLineParser.section_parser('block', 'mapping') def _mapping(self, line, lineno=0): """ Parses a "mapping" section. Calls :method:`builder.add_mapping`. mappings := <mapping>[\n<mappings>] weight := float | int mapping := <atom from> <atom to> <weight> <atom from> and <atom to> have the same definition as <atom> in the "edges" section. See :meth:`_edges`. Examples -------- ALA:C ALA:BB H BB 0 Parameters ---------- line: str lineno: int """ from_, to_, *weight = line.split() if weight: weight = int(weight[0]) else: weight = 1 attrs_from = self._resolve_atom_spec(from_, 'from') attrs_to = self._resolve_atom_spec(to_, 'to') self.builder.add_mapping(attrs_from, attrs_to, weight) @SectionLineParser.section_parser('modification', 'reference atoms') @SectionLineParser.section_parser('block', 'reference atoms') def _reference_atoms(self, line, lineno=0): """ Parses a "reference atom" section. Calls :method:`builder.add_reference`. reference := <atom to> <atom from> Parameters ---------- line: str lineno: int """ to_, from_ = line.split() attrs_to = self._resolve_atom_spec(to_, 'to') attrs_from = self._resolve_atom_spec(from_, 'from') self.builder.add_reference(attrs_to, attrs_from) @SectionLineParser.section_parser('molecule') def _molecule(self, line, lineno=0): raise IOError("It look like you're trying to parse an old style " "backmapping file. These some minor modifications to be " "used compared to the files used by ``.")
[docs] def parse_mapping_file(filepath, force_fields): """ Parses a mapping file. Parameters ---------- filepath: str The path of the file to parse. force_fields: dict[str, ForceField] Dict of known forcefields Returns ------- list[Mapping] A list of all mappings described in the file. """ with open(filepath) as map_in: director = MappingDirector(force_fields) mappings = list(director.parse(map_in)) return mappings